Anybody else find that anti-gun kid annoying?

2018-03-01 7:59 am

回答 (3)

2018-03-01 11:50 pm
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Yes, he was at the Fake News Network's (CNN) headquarters the day before the shootings, and CNN selected Hogg and his comrades to interview again and again. Coincidence? #MAGA #ObamaGate
2018-03-01 4:53 pm
He sounds like the next John Kerry, full of theoretical cr@P, and his ideas are unreasonable and full of more holes than Kerry's Vietnam war stories.
2018-03-01 11:30 pm
i'm pro 2nd amendment, and I find them ALL annoying especially Clooney and his muslim wife. They are such hypocrites it disgusts me. They are entitled to armed guards and surrounding them, cause they are important. rest of us, are on our own.

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