poll: what are you watching right now?

2011-11-06 8:08 pm
is it any good

回答 (20)

2011-11-06 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pinky and the Brain:)
2011-11-07 4:09 am
I'm watching this question.

Nope, it's pretty horrible.
2011-11-07 4:13 am
I'm not watching anything... I'm on y.a. and listening to music
2011-11-07 4:13 am
Hot Chick
love that movie♥
2011-11-07 4:12 am
QVC & HSN shopping networks and CNN. You see, I like to watch a little bit of everything at once. I don't believe that I have to watch just one show for that particular time. That's why I always watch tv by myself at my bedroom! lol.

And yes its pretty good. I have bought some great things from HSN and QVC shopping networks & watching some news on CNN.
2011-11-07 4:11 am
a football game
2011-11-07 4:10 am
Young Guns on Amc, it's on in the living room. I'm in my bedroom though. Don't have a laptop. :/ It's good if you like westerns.
2011-11-07 4:10 am
browns - texans game
2011-11-07 4:12 am
i'm watching myself answering this question.
2011-11-07 4:11 am
Im not watchin tv right now, but somethin is on crappy on disney channel on my tv
2011-11-07 4:09 am
My Step-Bro playing COD: Black Ops it's good! :)
2011-11-07 4:10 am
My pubes growing......
2011-11-07 4:10 am
me type this
2011-11-07 4:09 am
The Werewolf. It's an oldie but goody in B&W.
2011-11-07 4:09 am
My worthless life come closer and closer to its end. Yes, it's good because I want to get the **** out of here. Only, what, 50 more years? *Sigh* Seems like an eternity
2011-11-07 4:09 am
my computer screen.
2011-11-07 4:09 am
WWE.Not really.It sucks these days.So much dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
2011-11-07 4:09 am
Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

Not everyone's sort of show but I like it
2011-11-07 4:09 am
Nothing, I had to sell my t.v :'(

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