What has Obama done that's socialist?

2010-08-10 7:51 pm
People keep screaming about it. What has he done that's socialist?

回答 (10)

2010-08-10 7:56 pm
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Healthcare, is socialized medicine, will take up HUGE amount of taxpayers money, if goes through
2010-08-11 2:55 am
Universal Health Care.....Putting known/registered communists and socialists in his administration...giving them a job in the white house. Discussing redistribution of wealth. Trying to lower America to other countries standard of living
Bailing out private corporations and banks. Giving the govt shares of private companies
2010-08-11 2:53 am
Nothing. He's not even a liberal or he would have pushed for single payer healthcare and broken up the banks instead of bailing them out. And ended the wars.

He's anti gay marriage
He's hawkish on Afghanistan
2010-08-11 3:06 am
Spreading your wealth around. Killing jobs (not socialism I don't think but just stupidity.) Ignoring what WE THE PEOPLE want. Nationalizing banks, car companies, insurance companies, and healthcare.
2010-08-11 3:19 am
From across the pond, he looks very right wing, just like pretty much every American president before him. Anybody that claims America has had an even slightly socialist president in the last 50 years is to be honest an outright liar.
2010-08-11 3:14 am
Government provided health care for citizens is a socialist concept.
2010-08-11 3:06 am
Steals from one person to give it to another. The Republicans do it also.

Taxation is theft

The Government that governs least , governs best.
2010-08-11 3:23 am
A better question might be what has he NOT done that was Socialist. Federal control of the Banking system, Federal control of the Mortgage industry, Now Federal control of Medicine, Federal control of much of the Auto industry. What exactly are your requirements before you call something Socialist?
2010-08-11 4:04 am
Buyout GM (It's not a bailout if the Government claims to own a % of the stocks)

Require mandatory healthcare coverage for fear of fines or penalties up to and including imprisonment. This is beyond socialism and bordering on Nazi communism.

Raising taxes on the middle class and upper class to support programs to pay for the lowest class.

Bowing to communist leaders of our enemies. Americans show our respect, we don't bow to anyone. At least real Americans don't. Kenyan born American transplants do, apparently.

Oppose the will of the people he works for instead of performing what the peoples' will demands.

Insulting his own people to leaders of another country, a 3rd world country no less, for trying to defend their country. Wait, he didn't insult his own people. He insulted Americans, not immigrant Muslims!
2010-08-11 3:38 am
Socializes Medicine and Income Redistribution.
He also has this firm unshakable belief that bigger government is the solution to all problems.
He likes to penalize any private sector success.
He is a classic Stalinist.

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