How to feel better before Wednesday? Please? :(?

2012-12-30 2:42 pm
So I have a big day on wednesday. But today I have symptoms of a cold/flu and my stomach is a little upset. (not much).
But I want to know If there's Anything I can do to be well for Wednesday? I'm still well enough to walk around the house, and I'm not throwin up.
Thanks in advance for any answers. Oh and please don't say "take tablets". They're not goin to get me better for wednesday!

回答 (1)

2012-12-30 2:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
drink lots of fluids, to flush out the bug
vitamin C
take tylenol for flu for headaches, aches, feverish\eat light, light toast, warm tea
pudding, jello, banana
stay away from spicey or salty foods, or pizza and fried chicken
參考: meh

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