I never realized this but?

2011-02-27 4:57 am
I need to study more. A whole lot more.

I'm taking a break... geez.

回答 (16)

2011-02-27 5:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
me too
2011-02-27 12:58 pm
That's a statement, not a question.

If you can't tell the difference between the two, you need to study a hell of a lot more!
2011-02-27 12:57 pm
Brool story, co.
2011-02-27 12:57 pm
wow what a shocking realization
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
Alright, you do that then
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
lol ok...then do it....
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
So study more. I think getting motivated is the hardest part.
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
And what should you be studying?
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
well you didnt "never" realize it, cause you realized it now, right?
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
yes studying means good education which means good job which means good money which means you can afford to be lazy and hire a maid
2011-02-27 12:59 pm
if you never realized it, how did you admit it
2011-02-27 12:58 pm
Then why are you on Yahoo Answers?
2011-02-27 12:58 pm
me to :(
2011-02-27 12:58 pm
good luck then!
2011-02-27 12:57 pm
what are you waiting for~~~~~
2011-02-27 12:57 pm
Good for you.

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