Who is a better actor?

2013-01-14 4:16 am
Daniel Day-Lewis or Denzel Washington?

回答 (9)

2013-01-14 4:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
i always like denzel
參考: meh
2013-01-14 1:49 pm
Daniel Day-Lewis. Compared to him even Nicholson is crap. Brando and Christopher Lee are the only two actors in the same level as Daniel Day-Lewis
參考: Last of the Mohicans, Gangs of New York, There Will Be Blood, My Left Foot, & Lincoln
2013-01-14 5:07 pm
Tie. I think Daniel day Lewis will get best actor for Lincoln. But, Denzel Washington was just as good in flight.
2013-01-14 12:55 pm
Daniel Day-Lewis!
2013-01-14 12:39 pm
Daniel Day-Lewis
2013-01-14 12:31 pm
Equal amount maybe
2013-01-14 12:19 pm
2013-01-14 12:17 pm
Daniel Day-Lewis
2013-01-14 12:16 pm
How is this even a question...Denzel

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