Are enemy and communist leaders trying to suck up to Obama to get what they want?

2008-11-07 7:51 pm
From what i read, It feels like Bush is the mother and Obama the Father and the other communist countries is the child asking. The mother said no, so now the child is asking the father to get a yes.

PS: please don't post any bad language for an answer i want a logical one, even if this question might be silly i just want an interesting answer from people that are watching the news and the world politics.

Thank you for your time.

回答 (4)

2008-11-07 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is a good thing. It gives Obama strategic leverage over them without showing his cards. He can play them like a mother plays one kid against the other if he's smart. It's an advantage Bush did not take advantage of.

You should try to take a managerial leadership class and perhaps you will also learn how to employ these very successful tactics.
參考: Smart diplomacy
2008-11-07 7:59 pm
You ever hear that saying:

Birds of a feather flock together?

It's just a thought.
2008-11-10 11:42 am
This does not make sense.....a socialist country the back bone of that country is the worker, and in this case when McCain stated that the fundamentals of this country were the worker, you cannot get more hardliner socialist than that.

Its amazing the ignorance of people who keep claiming that Obama is this or that when you have no idea what the hell your saying. Read up on what Socialism and what it is not before you have a brain fart and feel the need to regurgitate online.
2008-11-09 8:03 pm
Hardly suck up! Rather "stick up"~

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