what's the meanest/rudest thing a teacher has ever said to you?

2011-03-01 6:04 am

回答 (8)

2011-03-01 7:36 am
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I had a teacher who said if I tried harder that I would be better satisfied with myself. She didn't care to ask me about my abusive home life or why I had an inability to do my homework on a regular basis. She assumed I just didn't care.
2011-03-01 6:04 am
She said "Hi", so I slit her throat and fed the blood to her dogs.
2011-03-01 6:06 am
your going to fail this class
參考: in the end i did :/
2016-10-17 7:14 pm
My ex background instructor pulled me aside as quickly as and advised me to 'end whoring around and flirting with the lads' in an ICLT type. i grew to become into like, what the hell. i grew to become into only chatting with a guy chum! in a protracted time, yet another week, a similar instructor advised me to verify the thank you to close my legs. i grew to become into heavily indignant. i'm 13 and a virgin. :P She had definitely no reason to assert the two one among those issues, lol. keep watching the celebs! ?
2011-03-01 6:09 am
i know who your daddy is and you don't
2011-03-01 6:08 am
I once had a teacher who told me I was probably going to fail and drop out
2011-03-01 6:05 am
sit on my lap and i will give you good grades~
2011-03-01 6:05 am
I don't think a teacher has said anything rude or mean to me but this one teacher called my brothers class failures in life and said they are all going no where...

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