Isn't it grand how Trump keeps outsmarting his critics and destroying his haters?

2018-01-28 8:49 am

回答 (11)

2018-01-29 4:31 am
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he has help from sarah huckabee, she puts the critics in their place where they belong. trump is doing great, and we love our president.
2018-01-28 8:50 am
i think it is funny.
2018-01-28 8:55 am
He's certainly "outsmarted" YOU, if you continue to believe a word he says. And he hasn't "destroyed" anyone, other than Manafort and Flynn, (so far.) I'm sure those two regret the day they joined Team Trump.
2018-01-28 8:51 am
In what alternative universe, sweetie?

At Davos, people were laughing at him. You should have heard the snickers.
2018-01-28 9:00 am
Luckily it’s not hard. Democrats are laughably stupid...
2018-01-28 5:14 pm
When you fight back for the people instead of the party is a winning formula. so yes it is Grand MAGA
2018-01-28 9:07 am
Considering that American students rate 30th in the world, in math and science, it doesn't surprise me. Years ago, America was at the top.
2018-01-28 9:01 am
Looks like he's going to outsmart his way into a country club prison for white collar criminals.
2018-01-28 9:40 am
2018-01-28 9:14 am
2018-01-28 9:09 am
A flea could outsmart Trump
2018-01-28 9:03 am
I am sorry you forgot to take your meds today, better take them soon before it is too late

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