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回覆: 3
2017-11-28 3:14 pm
我想講 香港人工作效率高 以下兩句的文法有錯嗎? 1.It is efficient for Hong Kong people to work. 2.It is efficient that Hong Kong people work.?
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2017-11-20 4:26 pm
receive 同 accept 有咩分別?
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2017-11-20 3:12 pm
relation relationship 有咩唔同?
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2017-11-19 8:22 pm
more than a million dollars was/were spent on advertising. 應該用was 定were?
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2017-11-17 10:42 pm
critical 當作{危險的}意思用 跟dangerous有甚麼分別 請給予句子的例子 謝謝?
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2017-11-15 2:23 pm
focus , concentrate有咩分別 請用中文解釋 謝謝?
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2017-11-15 12:07 am
abililty capability 有咩分別?
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2017-11-14 11:59 pm
My sister whom you talked to last night lives in Canada. I will hold an activity that students will participate in. 兩句文法有錯嗎 另外that可省略嗎?
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2017-11-14 11:56 pm
participate attend 兩者也有參加的意思 他們使用的情況/時機/用法 有甚麼不同?
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2017-11-14 2:58 pm
cook chef有分別?
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2017-11-13 10:56 pm
I see trucks parked curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of food trucks .這句的文法和with用錯嗎?
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2017-11-13 3:13 pm
I want a house that is beautiful and broad,with a simple structure. 這句文法有錯嗎 這裡的with是因為代表(展示)的意思而用 還是係因為 (與......有關)的意思而用 還是係其他情況,所以用?
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2017-11-12 1:58 pm
I have a idea in the discussion about keeping ecological balance. 我想表達:我有一個想法在關於保持生態平衡的討論 這句的文法有錯嗎 假設我把句中的in換作on: 我有1個想法在XX上 在英文的文法和邏輯上是容許嗎?
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2017-11-12 1:14 pm
Could you email me with your request as soon as you know them? 這句的文法有錯誤嗎?? 這句使用with的時機的甚麼 with在這句擔當著甚麼角色?
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2017-11-11 7:00 pm
Unless you have a speech with your plans about holiday of this year. 呢句野係英文既邏輯和文法上有錯嗎?
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2017-11-01 5:29 pm
I have lived in Milan for four years (我仍住在Milan) She has been waiting here all morning (我仍然會等下去) 點解第1句用現在完成式 唔用 現在完成進行式?
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2017-10-03 10:48 pm
我有脊椎側彎 伴隨著高低膊症狀 假如我脊椎側彎有改善(減少度數) 我高低膊的不對稱會有改善?
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