
Lv 3
回覆: 22
2020-07-13 10:59 am
How do I know which religion is the correct one so that I don't end up with a terrible afterlife?
回覆: 5
2020-07-11 2:10 am
Alguém me tira essa dúvida?
回覆: 12
2020-07-11 8:59 pm
Como posso saber se o Catolicismo é o cristianismo verdadeiro mesmo?
回覆: 6
2020-07-12 11:07 pm
O lago de fogo da genna é simbólico e portanto não pode queimar criaturas espirituais?
回覆: 7
2020-07-13 3:04 am
Masturbação é pecado?
回覆: 5
2020-07-13 3:12 am
Como você acredita que era Jesus Cristo?
回覆: 7
2020-07-13 1:31 pm
Se deus existe,porque ele permite tanta maldade no mundo?
回覆: 3
2020-07-12 3:40 pm
Christians, do you believe demons are real?
回覆: 19
2020-07-12 12:07 am
Is there only one true religion? How to recognize the true religion?
回覆: 8
2020-07-12 1:19 am
Who is Gog and Magog?
回覆: 6
2020-07-12 8:28 am
How obvious is the Jehovah's Witnesses cult?
回覆: 21
2020-07-12 10:27 am
Is the Old Testament used today?
回覆: 5
2020-07-12 6:31 am
cosa ne pensate delle adozioni?
回覆: 12
2020-07-09 9:53 pm
Why do Christians presuppose the Bible is their God's word?
回覆: 23
2020-07-09 9:54 pm
Where in the Bible does it say that Homosexualism is a sin?
回覆: 24
2020-07-10 3:14 am
Dinosors and the Bible?
回覆: 37
2020-07-10 9:09 am
Are Jesus and God the same?
回覆: 14
2020-07-10 12:43 pm
Did God create himself?
回覆: 9
2020-07-11 1:05 am
When someone treats you unkindly, how to you find ways to still appreciate them?
回覆: 15
2020-07-11 1:11 am
What does "turn the other cheek" mean to you? How do you interpret that?
回覆: 12
2020-07-11 3:15 am
Can someone explain Ephesians 6:5?
回覆: 25
2020-07-11 3:45 am
I need help. I would like to read and learn the Bible but don't know where to start. Please help. Thank you?
回覆: 5
2020-07-11 1:10 pm
¿un cristiano debe hablar a los otros de cristo?
回覆: 8
2020-07-11 2:03 am
Quand jesus se faisait l'égal de DIEU : était-ce exprès pour énerver son auditoire ou parce que c'était la pure vérité - Jn 10:33 -?
回覆: 3
2020-07-09 3:59 am
As Testemunhas de Jeová são as que mais pregam a verdade e elas têm razão quando dizem que Deus não cura enfermidade nenhuma atualmente?
回覆: 15
2020-07-09 8:37 pm
Se a bíblia foi escrita por homens e não por Deus eu devo acreditar nela?
回覆: 12
2020-07-10 2:00 am
Vcs acreditam na bíblia?
回覆: 7
2020-07-10 5:18 am
É mais fácil provar que a teoria da evolução é falsa do que a inexistência de Deus?
回覆: 7
2020-07-10 8:15 am
Como é o paraíso de acordo com os cristãos?
回覆: 8
2020-07-09 5:37 pm
Vi fidate di tutto ciò che dicono i preti e la Chiesa in generale? ?
回覆: 5
2020-07-09 8:26 pm
Esistono persone maledette?
回覆: 5
2020-07-10 12:58 am
Perché dio fa sì che alcune vite siano fortunatissime e altre sventurate e prive di gioie?
回覆: 22
2020-07-10 1:22 am
Chi crede in Dio, lo credete per letto e sentito dire, o perchè vi sono successe cose per farvi capire che lui esiste davvero?
回覆: 19
2020-07-08 5:20 am
Is Believing In Jesus enough for salvation?
回覆: 13
2020-07-08 5:22 am
Does the Bible tells us what to do in order to be saved?
回覆: 19
2020-07-08 5:23 am
Where did Satan the Devil come from? was he created?
回覆: 7
2020-07-09 12:13 am
If God is going to rapture all righteous people to heaven why does the bible say "... For the upright will live in the land..?
回覆: 8
2020-07-09 10:56 am
If heaven is a place where you die and go to, and is the abode of God, are God and Jesus Christ dead?
回覆: 15
2020-07-09 1:17 pm
Does God’s foreknowledge of the future contradict our free will?
回覆: 3
2020-07-08 8:15 pm
Chrétiens,comment interpréter Mathieu 27:52-53 les saints ont ils vraiment réssuscité et sont entrés dans la ville Sainte?
回覆: 13
2020-07-08 9:07 pm
Ma lo volete capire che Adamo ed Eva non sono mai esistiti?
回覆: 7
2020-07-08 5:25 am
Perché le religioni mediorientali si sono insediate in occidente ma nessuna religione occidentale si è radicata nel medio oriente?
回覆: 9
2020-07-06 7:17 pm
Do you love Jesus or Satan my friend?
回覆: 20
2020-07-06 11:01 pm
Is the Archangel Michael the Christ?
回覆: 7
2020-07-06 11:07 pm
Why don’t whites (the descendants of Esau) realize that God hates them according to Malachi 1:3?
回覆: 10
2020-07-07 1:14 am
why does god always take away the person we love the most?
回覆: 20
2020-07-07 1:46 am
Why does God demand we praise him?
回覆: 6
2020-07-07 3:54 am
Are you black or white or Christian?
回覆: 29
2020-07-07 12:58 pm
Is this pretty much the end of humanity?
回覆: 7
2020-07-06 11:56 pm
Quando que vai ser a ressurreição dos mortos e o apocalipse ?
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