Why does God demand we praise him?

2020-07-07 1:46 am
Why do we need to worship him? Why does he have such an ego that we need to praise him ?

回答 (20)

2020-07-07 1:47 am
He doesn't, He's rather silent on the subject, it's ALWAYS humans speaking on His behalf.  It's all about humans demanding conformity rather than allowing independent thought.
2020-07-07 2:57 am
First you need to tell us which God you speak of (there are millions of them worshiped by people even today). Then you must present evidence that this particular God HAS made demands that we praise Him. Of course, by presenting such evidence, you will be giving evidence that this God is real, and exists.
2020-07-07 2:50 pm
If God DEMANDED worship then we'd all be on our knees right now. He lets us choose as individuals.

Joshua 24:15 KJV — And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
2020-07-07 4:55 am
He doesn't demand anything. He gives us complete freedom. He reveals to us what effect certain decisions and behaviors will have on our eternal destiny, but leaves it up to us whether we wish to choose eternal happiness or reject it. He has nothing to gain and nothing to lose, regardless of our choices. We have everything to gain and everything to lose.
2020-07-09 5:05 am
He only wants you to be as happy as He is .
2020-07-07 4:44 pm
Some one says something and you believe, that's all. It is not a difficult job to him to program his robots made of flesh and bones according to his whims and fancies.

God never bothers whether people believe in him or not. God’s involvement in human affairs is very rare. God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. God is a mystery even to the spirits. Spirits are not eternal beings but their lifetime is long. Spirits are separate elements. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. These spirits are your consciousnesses and memories. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. A mind is you. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings.  A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism.  After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives in any form after death. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
2020-07-07 4:29 pm
You'll find the answer in Revelation 4:11
2020-07-07 2:17 am
To simply prove the reason for mankind to exist, Isaiah 43:7
2020-07-07 1:53 am
It's a test of our perspective and it is appropriate to His being deserved of our respect. If you fail in this life, you can squeak by, but once you have taken your last breath, "all hell" will break loose for you. It is Satan that urges you to fail in your duty to get right with God. Satan is laughing all the way to the soul bank as he continues to deceive. Don't be his pawn. Don't follow him into eternal condemnation. Take time to get right with Jesus.
2020-07-07 1:52 am
God is completely self-sufficient and doesn’t need our praise and worship. However, He does deserve it. Would you agree that it is right and good to praise someone who is worthy of praise? We instinctively know this and praise people for all sorts of achievements. We praise the people we love and admire, and it’s not right or good for us to withhold praise from them or our Creator.
參考: Author Amy Hall

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