Flo Chen

Lv 2
Average undergraduate...
Flo Chen
回覆: 10
2006-07-19 11:07 am
Should I paint/polish my toenails? And what colour?
Flo Chen
回覆: 7
2006-07-18 5:27 am
Girls, is it possible to keep your feet soft and pretty if you NEVER wear socks or closed-toe shoes?
Flo Chen
回覆: 4
2006-07-13 4:03 pm
(Japanese) How is the verb "shiteru" related to/derived from "suru"?
Flo Chen
回覆: 4
2006-07-13 1:26 pm
Questions about Japanese grammar: colloquial questions, particles, etc. ^.^?
Flo Chen
回覆: 9
2006-07-10 10:35 am
Random Fruits Basket questions (answer honestly!)...?
Flo Chen
回覆: 1
2006-07-03 10:07 am
Where do I buy sushi and sashimi in Edinburgh? (NOT restaurants)?
Flo Chen
回覆: 7
2006-06-29 12:25 pm
How do you give driving directions in Japan, when you don't use street names in addresses?
Flo Chen
回覆: 6
2006-06-25 2:32 pm
Which do the Japanese use in telephone numbers: "rei", "maru", "mu" or "zero"?
Flo Chen
回覆: 10
2006-06-25 10:32 am
Ginny Weasley or Hermione Granger, who do you prefer?
Flo Chen
回覆: 13
2006-06-25 4:27 am
Soft, lyrical songs from anime... recommendations please? ^_~?
Flo Chen
回覆: 16
2006-06-24 4:24 pm
(Teenage girls) Do you think you look prettiest in...?
Flo Chen
回覆: 7
2006-06-24 3:56 am
Back in the stone ages... what were your baby thoughs about the internet before you actually got online?
Flo Chen
回覆: 3
2006-06-22 6:34 pm
Why aren't all websites and email systems in *Unicode* (UTF) encoding already? It would save so much trouble..
Flo Chen
回覆: 2
2006-06-22 2:23 pm
Democracy without liberty, liberty without democracy, or democracy and liberty without stability?
Flo Chen
回覆: 2
2006-06-22 10:11 am
Have any of you watched the Singaporean movie "I No Stupid Too"? What did you think? Is it any good?
Flo Chen
回覆: 2
2006-06-22 3:14 am
Chinese/East Asian groceries in Edinburgh?
Flo Chen
回覆: 17
2006-06-21 5:26 pm
teen girls: anyone else here hates socks and never wears'em?
Flo Chen
回覆: 6
2006-06-21 9:17 am
anyone else here think this whole "dating" business is kinda silly? why not just start out as friends?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-23 13:09:54
總收錄問題: 68 / 68 (收錄率: 100.00%)
總收錄回答: 166 / 167 (收錄率: 99.40%)