Ginny Weasley or Hermione Granger, who do you prefer?

2006-06-25 10:32 am
On a personal basis, I mean. We all know that Hermione is better developed character-wise.

Who would you want as a friend? And why?

And boys,
1. Who would you want as a friend?
2. Who would you date?
(Since we know *cough* which girl Harry chooses for each.)

And as for me, Hermione :)


Amusingly, I have all of Hermione's negative traits (bluntness, obsessiveness, and... her attitude towards Trelawny :p), but none of her good traits (such as self-discipline). Haha.

回答 (10)

2006-06-25 2:58 pm
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I would have to say that I like both of them the same. I'm a HUGE potter freak and I would have to say that they are very similar. Hermione would have the brains to help you think fast in any situation, but Ginny would be awesome to have around if someone is being rude or mean. She would take up for you in an instant (at least I think she would). Those bat boogey hexes are brutal! LOL!
2006-06-26 1:48 am
2006-06-25 10:55 am
I like Hermione she is really smart and knows how to tell you off if you are about to make a big mistake.
2006-06-25 10:47 am
hermione granger for sure because she is smart and thinks things through. she would be the perfect friend i think also cause she seems to always be there for her friends.
2006-06-25 10:44 am
I'd say Hermione (if she was older). She's definitely got the brains I'm looking for, and she was absolutely stunning in the dress she wore for the dance (I was thinking things I SHOULD NOT think about someone so young)...

Ginny's got the 'girl next door' quality I've always been attracted to, but Hermione simply overshadows her, hands down.
2006-06-25 10:40 am
Tough choice. I know it will sound wishy-washy, but i'd have to declare it a draw. Each character has many strong points, and a few "weaknesses".....but that all goes together to make them so interesting.

For a friend, i would want both.

To date.....well, i really should be 30 years younger to answer that question.....i couldn't pick between them.

(Hmmmm.....i wonder if Luna is busy tonight.....)

(Hey, who doesn't need a little weirdness in their life?)
2006-06-25 10:39 am
Hermone is 1mllion times over, better than Ginyy.
1.Hary obviously
2006-06-25 10:38 am
I think Hermione is trying to hard to look older than she is so I will prefer Ginny
2006-06-25 10:38 am
Hermione, because she would be able to logically get me out of any jam I may find myself in.
2006-06-25 10:35 am
Hermione all questions.

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