Should I paint/polish my toenails? And what colour?

2006-07-19 11:07 am
I'm going on a boat tour with friends from school!!

I'll be wearing:
- Pink tank top
- White miniskirt
- Baby-blue flip flops (which I might take off during the trip ^_^).

If it helps, I'm Chinese with medium-light skin tone.
Thanks :p

What can I say? The majority wins! LIGHT PINK it will be :)


And since most of the answers are pretty much the same, I guess I'll have to put you to a vote! Thanks to everyone!

回答 (10)

2006-07-19 11:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
pink,or some light colors may make you more colorful~
(hehe i'm chinese too)
2006-07-19 1:39 pm
pink and white! or if you can after you do every other 1 pink and white the 1's with pink do white poka dots and the 1 with white do pink poka dots!
2006-07-19 12:09 pm
2006-07-19 11:19 am
i think baby pink will look gr8 wid the outfit. the plus point is u r fair, baby pink looks verygood.
參考: Me!
2006-07-19 11:16 am
you should paint them baby pink or baby purple or baby blue pastel/ baby coclours!
2006-07-19 1:44 pm
a natural color....or an american pedicure/manicure
2006-07-19 1:12 pm
ok 4 1 thing blue doesn't go with pink
paint your toenails the color of your flip flops
2006-07-19 11:34 am
Is it for day or night or a 2-3 day trip?

If it's for day or a couple of days, go for nude colours (pinkish tones) coz you don't want to have chipped nails - that would look ugly.

If it's for night, go for dark/vampish colours (dark cherry, brown)
2006-07-19 11:13 am
Definitely pastels.....light pink or sheer pink....stay fresh
2006-07-19 11:13 am
Yes. light pink.

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