teen girls: anyone else here hates socks and never wears'em?

2006-06-21 5:26 pm
i hate socks, the feeling of socks on my feet. i've not worn socks for two years already.

thank god i live in warm taiwan and i'm glad my school uniform code doesn't require socks. i'm barefoot at home, and wear flip flops or high-heeled strappy sandals outdoors, but NEVER socks.

who needs socks anyway? they make your feet smelly and damp. afraid of dry, rough feet? slap on loads of lotion and vaseline! my feet are soft and nice this way.

no socks for me! anyone else here agree? anyone else here hasn't worn'em for a long, long time? share your thoughts!

to Antibiotic_Void: aww, poor you! but *moderation* here is the key! you used to go barefoot far, far too much for your own good when you were little (honestly, 10 minutes out from home?); then you got your feet into a right mess, and now you hate being barefoot because of experience's shadow! the moral? go barefoot indoors but not outdoors!


and i never wear tennis shoes either! haha. converse, yes for PE, but i don't need socks for those.

回答 (17)

2006-06-21 5:37 pm
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I actually hate the feeling of being barefoot. I don't sweat a lot even in the hot and humid temperatures so thats a plus for me, and I have great hygiene so my feet are never stinky. I have small cute feet so it isn't that I have ugly feet or something or another, I just love the feeling of soft cottony socks. I think it's nice to wear socks, pajamas, and a tanktop and just sit on my back deck late at night, or when I'm sick, sitting on the couch in a small blanket.

I've had bad experiences not wearing socks. :D I was running outside when I was 10 and I got a nail that went through the entire front of my foot and stuck out the top - needless to say I didn't notice for about 5 more minutes and then I had to walk home because I couldn't get the nail out.

I was at the beach and I slipped on some wet sand/mud and had my foot sliced open with a 1/4 in gash that was 3 inches long, and I had to walk a mile down the beach to get back to my house. (13 sticthes)

I stepped on a broken beer bottle and ripped up the bottom of my foot. (7 stitches)

I've had scissors dropped on my foot. (2 stitches)

Now I wear socks and shoes whenever I'm outside. I haven't worn sandals, flipflops ect. for years. I actually feel more comfortable in my slip-ons or converse anyways..
2006-06-21 5:32 pm
*waves hand in the air frantically* I don't unless i absolutly have to. in the winter but even then i use to wear sandles in the snow.
2006-06-21 5:31 pm
I hate them to. I only ware them if i have to ware tennis shoes. But i would love to never ware them, it makes me feel trapped somehow.
2006-06-21 5:30 pm
I agree--I hate socks! And I live in Iowa. Right now it is really hot here, but even in the winter when it is freezing cold I hate to wear them, but when there is snow on the ground you almost have to. Which totally sucks. I am anti-socks.
2006-06-21 5:29 pm
YAY boycott socks!!!
2006-06-21 5:37 pm
BOYCOTT SOCKS!!!!!!!!i wear flip flops all year(even in winter)
2006-06-21 5:32 pm
2006-06-21 6:01 pm
I don't like socks so i go around my house bare foot and in summer usaully wear flip flops. I wear thin socks in winter and for the days i have PE. At my school were not supose to wear flip flops but almost evry girl does. boycott the socks- YAY!
2006-06-21 5:51 pm
I wear them in the winter,but I hate wear them in the summer.I like my flip flops.
2006-06-21 5:36 pm
I'm a Filipino and live in the Philippines.i don't really wear socks myself.barefoot and flip flops are all i need.i agree with you.ban the socks.
2006-06-21 5:34 pm
I always thought (when wearing boots or sneakers) no socks would make your shoes smell faster. If you're wearing flip-flops and sandals then you should never wear socks (huge fashion crime). It gets cold in some parts of the world though so some people have to wear them to help keep their feet warm. Plus some sneakers and shoes don't feel good (soft or comfortable) without socks.
2006-06-21 5:46 pm
i hate socks to but i have to wear them for tennis shoes or i ll get a blister

WOW 2 years!
2006-06-21 5:29 pm
hey, if you live in a tropical place, why not! let your feet breathe.
I live in New York City, in the winter i have to wear socks with boots or i will get frost bite, pneumonia etc. But in the spring and winter i love sandals, i just get up in the morning slip them on and out the door i go!
My mom comes from Ecuador, i asked her and she says that she hardly ever wore socks as a kid but then she went to a school were socks were a part of the uniform and that really made her uncomfortable(they were knee length!).
2006-06-21 5:38 pm
I do hate socks but i not gonna lie to you i wear them. most times it's uncomfortable. without it your foot looks and smells fresh
2017-02-09 8:51 pm
2016-05-20 9:03 pm
I'm on the fence with socks. They can get too hot for me, but I also feel a little bit better to know that my feet are protected from dirty floors. A lot I don't like, but some, like those crazy fuzzy socks are awesome and comfortable. I'm wearing some right now. Often in the summer, I only wear them for sports, like running, biking, etc. I mostly go barefoot during that time, but in the winter, I wear socks every day to keep my feet warm, since I only wear boots in the winter. I also wear them every three days, regardless of what time of the year, since I have physical education classes and always seem to be forgetting my socks and having to wear my tennis shoes without socks...yuck; I hate that feeling. And, see my other answer on your other question about how you can get over it.
2006-06-21 5:30 pm
sometimes its gross not to wear socks and they do help prevent blisters. I wear them with athletic shoes and that is usually it.

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