Girls, is it possible to keep your feet soft and pretty if you NEVER wear socks or closed-toe shoes?

2006-07-18 5:27 am
I've not worn either socks or closed-toe shoes since I transferred to a high school without a uniform code 2 years ago. It's too hot here in Taiwan, so it's sandals and bare feet all the way!

回答 (7)

2006-07-18 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can try getting regular pedicures at a solon & in between your appointments give yourself one maybe once or twice a week(depending on how bad your feet get).

What you'll need: a foot bath filled with warm soapy water, a pumice stone, a really good foot scrub, & a deep moisturizing lotion for feet.

Scrub your feet with the foot scrub, then let your feet soak in the foot bath for about a half an hour, rub the rough skin with the pumice stone, dry your feet & apply the foot lotion.

I have this same problem in the summer, I never wear socks & most of the time I'm barefoot. This should help you out, good luck!!
參考: life experience & I'm a cosmetologist
2006-07-18 12:35 pm
Wash your feet with JOHNSON'S BODY WASH and then moisturize with JOHNSON'S BABY's amazing what a big difference it makes...
Good luck
2006-07-18 4:18 pm
of course! Bath&Body Works's website will give you every foot product you need for soft skin and pretty feet. True Blue Spa products are the best moisturizes that get the best results. Start with "toe the line", an exfoliating foot scrub in the shower. next, get any one of 3 foot creams/lotions. use especially before bedtime, and if you can, wear the socks over your lotioned feet at nighttime at least for an hour.
2006-07-18 12:49 pm
give yourself a pedicure and and moisturize them with baby creams
2006-07-18 12:36 pm
Keep your nails in proper shape and put on vaseline moisturiser and talc powder. It's actually good to go around in bare feet.
2006-07-18 12:32 pm
yes ma'am if u give ur self a pedi at least everyother day and moisturize super well.. u should be able to have decent lookin feet... maybe not super cute but cute...
2006-07-18 12:31 pm
I don't know about that but I know regular pedicure appointments and moisturizers can keep feet soft but pretty its either you have it or not.

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