Chinese/East Asian groceries in Edinburgh?

2006-06-22 3:14 am
Okay, this question isn't really about eating *out* per se, but is there a place in Edinburgh where Chinese groceries and imported Asian (= Chinese, Japanese, Korean) foodstuffs are sold? Maybe a Chinese supermarket or something like that?

I'm going there for a few months on an exchange programme next year! (But I don't fancy haggis or sandwiches or fish and chips or any of that Scottish and English grub. Curry is fine but I'll go on fire if I eat it every day!)

回答 (2)

2006-06-22 10:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
whoa! Chinese meals in restaurants don't come cheap. There are some that provides catering at reasonable cost around Edinburgh University Halls. Many moons back, there was a Chinese supermarket along Leith Walk(quite a distant) and you can save a bunch by cooking yourself.
2006-06-22 5:17 am
Yeah, check the phonebool there maybe

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