Where do I buy sushi and sashimi in Edinburgh? (NOT restaurants)?

2006-07-03 10:07 am
Is there anywhere I can buy sushi and sashimi-grade fish in Edinburgh?

I'm not talking about restaurants, but rather, Japanese supermarkets or food stands... where I can buy stuff and take them home to prepare and eat?

Preferred price range: sushi for under £2 and sashimi-grade fish meat for under £7. (And, come on folks, I've already upped the prices... in Japan - which is pretty expensive too - I can get this stuff for 2/3 of these prices. Anything more than that would just be exorbitant. And, as I said, I am NOT talking about restaurants.)

It's fine if I can save money by purchasing ingredients separately. Just tell me where I can buy stuff like Japanese seaweed, Japanese condiments, imitation seafood, top-grade salmon (good enough for sashimi), wasabi, etc. etc.

If the prepared foods are too expensive, I can just go ahead and make them by myself... BUT I do need the *ingredients*!!

Thanks in advance! ^_^

To Puppy Zwolle: Exactly, that's what I'm talking about... making it :p. But I do need more ingredients than the fish! Haha. Thanks ^^

回答 (1)

2006-07-03 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Buy? Make it.

Any fishmarket will have the ingredients..specially if you give them a call they will put some special stuff on ice for you.

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