Which do the Japanese use in telephone numbers: "rei", "maru", "mu" or "zero"?

2006-06-25 2:32 pm
Four ways of saying "zero" or "nothing" in Japanese:
Two from Chinese (rei, mu)
One from English (zero)
And one referring to the shape of "0" (maru)

Which do you use in telephone numbers?

回答 (6)

2006-06-25 2:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
♡I have to agree with Missile Me, I only use "zero" in reference to telephone numbers but I do hear "rei" on TV commercials for phone numbers often (...hachi rei rei..). I always give my 090 cell phone # as 'zero kyuu zero...
~If I give them my house address # though, I say 'ni maru ichi' - #201.
~There's a famous department store in my area called '0101' and it's simply called 'Marui'. There's another with the name '109' and it's called 'ichi maru kyuu'.
Confusing, huh? (*^o^*)When I first came to Japan and learned Japanese, I was so confused! Just 'zero' in English is soooo easy!♡
2015-08-11 7:04 am
This Site Might Help You.

Which do the Japanese use in telephone numbers: "rei", "maru", "mu" or "zero"?
Four ways of saying "zero" or "nothing" in Japanese:
Two from Chinese (rei, mu)
One from English (zero)
And one referring to the shape of "0" (maru)

Which do you use in telephone numbers?
參考: japanese telephone numbers quot rei quot quot maru quot quot mu quot quot quot: https://biturl.im/n3VqO
2006-06-26 2:14 am
They're right!!

We only use 'maru' when giving someone our home address. Normally we use 'zero' for phone numbers, although we could use 'rei' if we felt that way inclined - people would still understand!
; )

I've yet to come across 'mu' used to describe the number 0....!
參考: Living in Japan.
2006-06-25 3:32 pm
for telephone numbers
zero would be the best
if you dont know which one to use
stick with zero

sometimes people use maru for telephone numbers
but its rare and its said that way when maru is easier to
pronounce and sounds just "right" along the numbers

trust me im japanese living in tokyo
2006-06-25 2:37 pm
zero and rei. Both are used.

MU and MARU are never used.
參考: l
2006-06-25 2:36 pm
I dunno but in China you arent allowed to ask directory assistence for the name Wing or Wong.They dont want u to Wing the Wong number.

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