Democracy without liberty, liberty without democracy, or democracy and liberty without stability?

2006-06-22 2:23 pm
Which would you choose?
a. Singapore: Democracy without liberty.
b. Hong Kong: Liberty without democracy.
c. Thailand: Democracy and liberty without stability.

Discuss! :)

回答 (2)

2006-06-22 2:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
C. Lack of stability is not always a bad thing. It means that thing can be changed (albeit for good or bad) I would prefer to have both democracy and liberty, with the knowledge that things could be changed if the got bad enough. Power to the people, in other words. Of course, with a lack of stability comes the responsibility to be an active, participating citizen, less the fringe run away with everything. Not a choice for the faint of heart, but a worthwhile one, nonetheless.
2006-06-22 9:26 pm
Neither i would choose fascism anyday of the week.

Law and hard for the state and be rewarded.

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