How do you give driving directions in Japan, when you don't use street names in addresses?

2006-06-29 12:25 pm
If I'm not mistaken, you usually don't use street names in Japanese addresses, right?

The address system works fine because it narrows down the location by ward (ku), area (cho), block (chome), and finally house number. That's all right if you're walking around town trying to find a place, and that's also perfect if you take public transport.

However, if you're driving, things get a little confusing, don't they? For example, how can you tell someone how to get from Ginza 5-12-8 to Nihombashi 3-14-7 if you don't use street names?

I also wonder how online driving directions like Mapquest and such work in Japan.

回答 (7)

2006-06-29 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
♡Landmarks! Basically the main/major roads have names, big/well known landmarks and distance. It's very difficult. Most cars have fantastic 'navi' (navigation) systems in Japan these days. On my navi, I either enter the telephone number OR address of my destination and it pretty much finds the shortest route for me. It even tells me when to turn well before the turn appears, the time it will take to my destination and alternate routes in case of heavy traffic. Nice huh? People who don't have 'navi' use maps and landmarks. Even some cell phones have 'navi' for people walking to their destinations. If I take a cab, I often have to tell the driver how to get where I'm going by landmarks and right turn, left turn. (*^o^*)But after living here for almost 9 years I still take a wrong turn with some people's directions!♡
2006-06-30 1:21 am
I never use street names when I'm giving directions, and people tell me they're very easy to follow--"Turn at the Wendy's, turn at the first light past the Walmart," etc. It's a lot easier than trying to squint to see street signs.
2006-06-29 8:19 pm
Mainly landmarks such as post office, convenience store, gas station, fast food restaurant, traffic light, etc. But recently quite many people have a car navigation system. Most of my friends have it. Just input the address. It's easy, huh?

I've visited your site. You look prettier than your avatar.
2006-06-29 7:38 pm
It isn't easy. Basically you have to "drill down" with landmarks etc. For example, you might advise someone to get off the expressway at a certain exit and then take a left at the first 7-11 on the right and look for the drycleaners. If you get lost you ask for directions at a convience store or police box. etc. The best thing to do is to call the person you are going to and ask for directions on the mobile as you drive. Another trick is to fax a map ahead of time. A lot of Japanese business will have a chome-level map of their location on their matchbooks etc. The average resident of Tokyo only knows his/her own neighbourhood really well. Don't assume a cabbie knows how to get where you want to go.
參考: I lived in Japan.
2006-06-29 7:33 pm
better ask Taxi driver at different place they can tell u a s they already roamed too much.
2006-06-29 7:31 pm
I lived in Japan for a few years. We always used landmarks and lengths. for instance go 3km to the McDonalds on the left which is _____ street. turn right there.
2006-06-29 7:29 pm
You dont. You just have a great time getting utterly hopelessly lost. Take a cab

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