
Lv 7
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2017-12-30 8:32 pm
pH calculations - please help?
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2017-12-30 2:56 pm
Find pH and concentration?
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2017-12-29 10:11 pm
A solution contains 1.0 × 10–2 M Pb2+. Drops of a 5.0 × 10–1 M solution of NaBr were added through a microburet?
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2017-12-29 8:31 pm
25.0 mL of a 0.10 M solution of KOH is added to 15.0 mL of 0.15 M solution of HCl. What is the pOH of the resulting solution?
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2017-12-29 6:52 pm
35.0 mL of 0.13 M weak acid (Ka = 6.3 x 10^-5) is titrated with 0.15 M NaOH. What is the pH at the half-equivalence point?
回覆: 6
2017-12-28 5:51 pm
I have a trigonometry problem?
回覆: 6
2017-12-28 4:59 am
is 1.5 ml greater than or less than 1500 l?
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2017-12-27 11:51 pm
When an appropriate ligand is added to a saturated solution of an insoluble salt, a complex ion forms and mulitple choice below?
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2017-12-27 1:45 pm
trig. precalc. word problem?
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2017-12-27 11:56 am
Dynamite (C3H5N3O9) explodes to form a mixture of gasses.?
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2017-12-27 1:35 am
help me with this maths question (fractions)?
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2017-12-26 7:39 pm
Collision theory question.. help?
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2017-12-26 10:46 pm
Calculate concentrations of the major species present in a buffer solution prepared by adding 1.4 grams of NaOH to 140ml of 0.750 M NH4Cl?
回覆: 5
2017-12-26 3:21 pm
4sin (x)=3cos (×) =>cos (x)=?
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2017-12-26 1:42 pm
is calcium hydroxide is acidic,alkaline or neutral?
Engr. Ronald
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2017-12-25 11:10 pm
geometric sequence problem 2?
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2017-12-25 3:15 pm
A body moves from point A to point B with a velocity of 5m/s and returns to point A with a speed of 3m/s what is the average velocity?
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2017-12-22 8:35 am
Can someone help me with Chemistry concentration question?
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2017-12-22 9:21 am
CHEM HELP!!! why do most ionic compounds have such high melting and boiling points?
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2017-12-19 1:58 pm
What is the mass in grams of a sample of water when the temperature drops from 75.00∘C to 56.00∘C and 800.0 J of energy are lost?
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2017-12-19 12:00 am
How many moles are in 6.84g of Fe2O3?
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2017-12-18 11:25 pm
calculate the mass of KOH to be dissolved in 250cm3 of solution to give pH of 9.given molar mass of KOH=56.1?
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2017-12-18 9:41 am
CHEM!! You put a 75 g ice cube at 0 C into a glass of water at 25 C. The final temp is 12.5 C. How much water was there initially? Explain?
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2017-12-18 8:56 pm
Calculate the number of atoms of oxygen in 93 grams of so3.?
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2017-12-18 10:19 am
Which has the largest ionization energy ? F+ or Ne? And, which has a greater atomic radius? Cl + or Cl +2?
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2017-12-18 12:24 pm
Can someone help me with chemistry, solubility questions? Thank u?
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2017-12-18 11:25 am
Hydrocarbon Chemistry?
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2017-12-18 12:26 pm
For the reaction 2Na+2H2o—>2NaOH+H2 how many Grams of sodium hydroxide are produced from 3.0 moles of water?
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2017-12-18 2:27 pm
Hydrated sodium sulfate has a chemical formula of Na2SO4∙ 10H2O.What is the chemical formula of the anhydrous form of the same compound?
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2017-12-18 2:35 pm
C10 H16(l)+8Cl (g)→10C(s)+16HCl(g) Suppose a chemist runs this reaction and makes569 g of carbon. How many grams of turpentine were consumed?
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2017-12-18 4:29 am
2Na (s) + 2 H2O (l) → 2NaOH (aq) + H2 (g) If 4.52 moles of Na react with an excess of water, how many grams of H2 are formed?
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2017-12-18 12:20 am
Chemistry question?
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2017-12-18 2:03 am
The oxidation state of chrome which threatens to cause cancer is: a. Cr (0) b. Cr (III) c. Cr (V) Cr (VI)?
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2017-12-18 3:32 am
The Celsius temperature of a 1.73 L sample of gas is lowered from 80.0°C to 37.0°C. What will be the resulting volume of this gas?
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2017-12-17 9:57 pm
A force of 10N extends a spring by 3cm. What will be the extension if a mass of 0.3kg is attached to the lower end of the spring?
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2017-12-17 1:23 pm
A 25.00 mL sample of NaOH is titrated with 17.13 mL of 0.3150 M sulfuric acid. What is the concentration of the NaOH solution?
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2017-12-17 7:47 am
on of 2s2o3^2-?
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2017-12-17 7:50 am
what is the oxidation number of S in 2S2O3^2-?
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2017-12-15 3:06 pm
What is the external temperature of the liquid nitrogen tank?
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2017-12-15 1:30 pm
solve for x? solving two step equations?
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2017-12-15 9:45 am
A rectangular floor is 21 feet long and 12 feet wide what is the area of the floor in square yards ?
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2017-12-15 5:21 am
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2017-12-14 11:33 am
Is this MgCl2, KCl, or K2SO4?
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2017-12-14 1:42 am
Ag+ + Br- <-----> AgBr Equilibrium problem chemistry help?
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2017-12-12 1:52 am
802 mL of aluminum hydroxide is exactly neutralized with 628 mL 0.320 M sulfurous acid solution. What is the concentration of the base?
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2017-12-12 1:30 am
what is the molar concentration of 356.0 mL on and aquaeous H2CO3 solution the required 55.33 mL of 577.0 mM standart solution of NAOH?
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2017-12-12 12:43 am
802mL of aluminum hydroxide is exactly neutralized with 628 mL 0.320 M sulfurous acid solution. What is the concentration of the base?
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2017-12-12 1:10 am
Give the electron configuration of carbon, using the spdf, noble gas, and orbital box notations?
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2017-12-11 4:49 pm
When the Pd-106 nucleus is struck with an alpha particle, a proton is produced along with a new element. What is this new element?
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2017-12-11 5:01 pm
Help finding half life?
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