When an appropriate ligand is added to a saturated solution of an insoluble salt, a complex ion forms and mulitple choice below?

2017-12-27 11:51 pm

A : a new precipitate forms. B : the amount of the insoluble solid that can be dissolved decreases. C : a gas forms. D : the amount of the insoluble solid that can be dissolved increases.

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2017-12-28 12:31 am
The answer: D: the amount of the insoluble solid that can be dissolved increases.

This is because the ligand would form a soluble complex with the metal ion of the insoluble salt, and thus more substance can be dissolved.

For example, when ammonia is added to a saturated solution of copper(II) carbonate with some solid copper(II) carbonate, the solid copper(II) carbonate would be dissolved due to the formation of soluble complex ion, tetraamminecopper(II) ion.
CuCO₃(s) + 4NH₃(aq) → [Cu(NH₃)₄]²⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq)

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