Lv 7
回覆: 80
2021-04-16 10:52 pm
With all the mass shootings do you favor more or less guns?
回覆: 23
2021-04-17 5:10 am
What did you use your IRS Stimulus check on?
回覆: 62
2021-04-17 10:37 pm
Is Meghan Markle and Prince Harry a true love story? ?
回覆: 129
2021-04-08 1:51 am
What do you think of this comment from CNN, concerning Yahoo answer's shutdown?
回覆: 34
2021-03-02 3:02 pm
Why do black people act like they are the only people that have ever been slaves.?
回覆: 125
2021-01-30 7:27 am
If a city defunds police, how will law and order be maintained ?
回覆: 58
2021-01-28 1:31 pm
Why do people say there is no evidence of aliens ?
回覆: 22
2021-01-12 8:12 pm
Pregnant daughter wants to move in, temporarily?
回覆: 13
2020-12-28 4:49 am
When you marry someone, is it technically in theory supposed to be for life?
回覆: 16
2020-12-10 2:51 am
I took another womans man, and she forgave me?
回覆: 55
2020-07-02 10:15 am
Why isn't there an ALL LIVES MATTER movement?
回覆: 96
2020-06-06 11:53 pm
Would “Black Lives Matter Too” clear up most of the misunderstanding people have with the meaning of “Black Lives Matter”?
回覆: 269
2020-05-31 11:08 pm
What do the protesters want? ?
回覆: 8
2020-05-15 5:51 am
Have you ever attempted suicide and how were you saved?
回覆: 48
2020-05-05 7:06 am
Ex wife wants to get back together ?
回覆: 13
2019-10-13 3:39 am
Can you recall seeing an adult person having a tantrum ?
回覆: 2
2019-08-17 4:50 am
is it safe to sleep all the time?
回覆: 7
2019-06-27 6:55 am
Why so much resignation?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:47:47
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總收錄回答: 18 / 1270 (收錄率: 1.42%)