With all the mass shootings do you favor more or less guns?

2021-04-16 10:52 pm

回答 (80)

2021-04-17 8:01 am
50,000 to 60,000 people died of opioids and opiates last year, another 20,000 died of other drug over-doses.

Do you favor more or less party time drugs in this country?

With all the drugged out freaks running around killing and robbing and looting, I favor every American citizen having the right to own and carry a gun for self defense. 

The same people who encourage the crime and murder are the same people who want to take away law abiding citizens right to defense.

The same people who want to defund and dismantle the police are the same people who want to take away your right to defend yourself.

With all of the mass riots and v other assorted violent crime exploding, I absolutely favor the rights of people to own guns.

If the left have their way, when your wife and kids are getting murdered  there will not even be a policeman to be called. 911 will tell you to sing kumbyua and hope the murderer has a change of heart.
2021-04-17 2:54 am
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Complete Jefferson

"To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege."Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)
2021-04-17 8:00 am
If everyone at the FedEx facility had a gun, this would have been called a double shooting rather than a mass shooting. 

The overall murder rate in Louisiana, which has the highest murder rate of any state is 14.4 per 100,000. This low compared to the average murder rate any time before the creation of guns. The murder rate in London in the 14th century was as high as 52 in 100,000 - higher than New York’s murder rate during the crack epidemic. 

It is easier to get a gun in the US than any other country on planet Earth but the US is not even in the top 10 for homicide rates. South Africa, which is number 10 on the list, has more than double the murder rate of the US. 
2021-04-17 8:47 pm
The problem is that not enough of the right people are carrying guns to stop criminals in the act.  Another problem is we need to stop punishing people for defending themselves and their property, and those who can not defend themselves.

More cops are not the answer.  Cops are a large part of the problem.  We definitely need police reform.  But, we need court reform too.  The more anti-gun laws we have, the weaker we get, and the more crime goes up. 

Outlaw guns and the outlaws will be the only ones with guns.
Confiscate guns and more places will be robbed with knives.

We are totally backwards on our view of guns.  Schools should teach marksmanship and give grades for it along with gun safety and respect for what damage a gun can do in the wrong hands. 

If we want to be a strong country with the ability to defend ourselves, we need to change our attitudes about guns and the security of our lands.

When the guns have been taken away, the remainder of your rights will go as well.

2021-04-16 11:24 pm
There has been a recent uptick of mass shootings. But there hasn't been a change in gun policy. If anything, guns have been less available due to covid19. 
2021-04-16 11:10 pm
Where some people see a problem with guns, intelligent people see a problem with a society which produces so many mass killers.
There is no gun problem, there is a mass killer problem.
The real question is, "Why do we have so many mass killers?"
2021-04-18 11:47 pm
When the Second Amendment was written, the musket was the best weapon.
The Second Amendment says that everyone should have the best weapon.

The best weapon now is a nuclear bomb with a remote detonator.  The government should give one to each citizen immediately.
2021-04-18 10:14 am
Guns are not the problem.. It's all the nutjobs.. You can take all the guns but you are never going to stop crazy.. 
2021-04-17 1:26 pm
Any intelligent person on the planet knows the right answer, but we have to many brainwashed idiot Americans in the country to do the right thing.  This country is on a death path and is headed towards self destruction fueled by Republican hate greed and stupidity.

I think if you asked them they would say its about their freedoms, yep their freedom to destroy us all.....lol
2021-04-17 3:00 am
Guns don't kill people, people kill people... Never once did a gun shoot someone all by itself... Someone has to pull the trigger...  So with that said there is no gun problem in America... It is a people problem...
2021-04-17 9:37 pm
The idea of taking away ammunition is something to think about.
2021-04-17 4:24 am
More guns is the direction America has been headed preceding the waves of mass shootings. So far, there's more than one mass shooting per day in America this yr. Suggesting more guns as a solution is like saying more cars means fewer traffic accidents. Get rid of the "people killer" high capacity magazine AR style weapons. These are the weapon of choice for mass shooters.
2021-04-17 3:07 am
I favor less guns. There are 120 firearms for every hundred American citizens. How can that possibly be justified? We also
 happen to have one of the largest and best-funded professional militaries in the world, if not THE largest and best funded. Even in a country like Switzerland where males within a certain age range are required to keep one rifle in their homes since they have always had a citizen
 army and not a professional military like we do, they don’t average that many total guns per person. And they’re not going around shooting each other with those rifles they have in their homes.
2021-04-16 11:06 pm
More guns. If the mass shooter knows he won't be the only one with a gun, he won't want to do it because he won't imagine himself the most powerful in the scenario. 
2021-04-17 12:44 am
I favor guns in the hands of responsible, experienced people only.
2021-04-16 11:25 pm
There is one gun for every 12 people. The question is “ how do we arm the other 11”
2021-04-16 11:00 pm
were there fewer guns between 2017-2020 when there were fewer mass shootings?

or should we look at other factors involved too?
2021-04-17 10:10 pm
I’m Australian.. it doesn’t worry me what Americans do. 
2021-04-17 1:55 pm
- An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject to the demonrats
- A gun in the hand is better than a cop being defunded.
- Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
- Free men do not ask communist permission to bear arms.
- The Second Amendment is in place in case the demonrats ignore the Fisrt Amendment.
- Guns only have two enemies; rust and demonrats.
- Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
- Law biding citizens don't shoot to kill; they shoot to stay alive.
- demonrats love gun control; it makes their jobs easier to control the citizens.
- When demonrats remove the people's right to bear arms, they create freedom fighters
- The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
- The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
2021-04-16 10:54 pm
Haven't been a mass shooting in my country for 10 years, so I'm satistfied with my countries law as it is now.
2021-04-18 6:56 am
Usually when it comes to things like lead, asbestos or aerosols, they get rid of it in exchange for something less harmful.

But with guns, reverse logic applies because apparently a safer world is more like the Wild West or a warzone.

Bullets from "good guys" can kill just as ones from "bad guys," the only difference is intention.
參考: I'm tired of dying so you can play soldier dress-up, old man.
2021-04-17 6:20 am
Something to keep in mind: the vast majority of privately owned legally purchased firearms in American society have never and will never be used to take a life. Another fun fact, most guns used in crimes were not purchased through legal means. 

I have mine because I like shooting and I hunt to put food in the freezer. I don’t question why some people like to collect stamps or are car people or do yoga, I just accept they find it enjoyable and relaxing the way I like shooting. Hell, I consider shooting to be my meditation time. 

And yes, I do have firearms for protection. I have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and firearms all for emergencies. I don’t ever expect that I will ever have to USE them. Statistically it’s unlikely, but it’s better to have them and never need them then the other way around.

I don’t judge non gun owners for not owning. Your choices are just your choices. I respect that. So then why are many non gun owners trying to eliminate my right to own firearms? Modern art makes no sense to me and I don’t like it. I find it to be annoying, but do you see me making a crusade calling for EVERYONE who does enjoy it to be forced to stop it? Nope, because I respect that others likes and dislikes are not my own, and that’s ok. 

I can’t control what some criminal I have never met who lives 5 states away is going to do with a gun he stole. I can’t control that a mental case got a gun and used it to commit a crime. I can’t control other people. Just like I’m not responsible because some idiot decided to drink, get behind the wheel and crashed into a car killing a family. Why the hell should i get punished for their actions? 
2021-04-17 4:44 am
About 5 times more people were killed by drunk drivers in 2020 than have died from Mass Shootings in the last couple of decades.  Yet we aren't banning cars, we aren't banning alcohol.  

The problem isn't the guns it is the people that are using them.  There is a huge mental health issue in the United States and almost without exception, the shooter is often found to have some mental issues.  
If there were more open gun laws allowing people to carry weapons you may actually stop some of these people because they don't know who else is "carrying".  
2021-04-17 2:07 pm
I don't mind guns, but I would make it compulsory to have a licence with psychological evaluation. Otherwise NO. 
2021-04-17 4:28 am
Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all gun homicides.  You're focusing on the trees and missing the entire forest.
2021-04-19 1:54 pm
Story.   last night I just saw this movie titled "news of the world".  This movie perfectly pictured The United states of America where people carried pistols and rifles.   It was during the 1870s after the civil war.  

Back then there were no Cops or Security Guards.   there were sheriffs though but only two men power for the whole town.   So?   It was a Wild West....... 

So I'm thinking.... Is America going back about 150 years back from now?  where anyone can shoot anyone?   Was it safe back then?   If you dont like somebody, you just point the pistol to that person........  

The cowboy mentality has never gone away for 150 years......
2021-04-18 3:12 am
I favor guns more. I bought some with my stimulus check.
Several places had zero boxes of ammo for sale or guns left. 
2021-04-18 8:13 pm
Which do YOU think would be more productive?
2021-04-18 8:42 am
Less, far less.
2021-04-17 9:07 am
i favor common sense gun laws which the gun nuts don't want
2021-04-17 4:53 am
If I'm helping out in a mass shooting I want more guns.
2021-04-18 8:02 am
No more guns. It's time.
2021-04-17 8:43 pm
MORE! You have to protect yourself and your family from the crazy DemocRATS!
2021-04-17 12:06 pm
As far as I'm concerned, people can have as many guns as they want as long as everyone follows the same laws as car ownership - vision tests, 'road' test (prove you know how they work), emissions testing (prove they work the way they are supposed to), insurance and registration. Regular renewals and testing.
參考: Responsible gun owners should have no problems with this.
2021-04-17 6:07 am
All learned studies show you are less likely to be injured or killed by a gun if don’t have one in your home. Sounds crazy, but it is true. Most victims of gun violence know the shooter. The eventuality of you defending yourself from a stranger in you home is less than 1%.  FBI statistics show the more guns in a society the more gun violence. If no one had guns the cops could more easily identify the criminals who may use them. Penalties for using a gun to commit a crime should be stiffer. Assault weapons should be eliminated, all gun sales should be regulated and require a background check, all gun owners should be held responsible for the use of their weapons. Criminals and the mentally ill should not be allowed access to guns. Sanity has got to prevail or we will be doomed as a free society.
參考: Go to. FactCheck.com for documented sources of facts current issues and political talk.
2021-04-17 1:42 am
Less of certain types
Only bad shots need semi automatic  weapons
2021-04-17 2:46 am
Australia had a mass shooting many years ago, so they figured out that without guns there are no mass shootings. They banned guns. The result was no more mass shootings. 
The US has mass shootings every day, but americans have not figured out the link yet. They want more guns. The result is more mass shootings. 
2021-04-17 6:08 am
If 'Murican's are too attached to their toys of death nothing I say or do will change their minds, 120.5 guns for every 100 citizens is insanity. 
2021-04-19 8:23 pm
Lots of crazy people, lots of guns, easy access to guns, lack of easy access to mental health resources -- what could go wrong. 

Other developed countries do a lot better in terms of far fewer shootings and much lower homicide rates that are only a fraction of the US homicide rate. Those countries have much stricter gun control.
2021-04-19 10:50 am
I favor much better background checks.
2021-04-19 6:34 am
Dealing with mental illness, favor more law enforcement officers armed and ready. 
2021-04-18 8:22 pm
Crazy people, not guns (which do nothing on their own) need to be less in society. If humanity was truly good I’d say collect all the guns from all the people...but since there are tyrants out there who want to rule America, the law-abiding, sane and responsible people need to keep their guns to be able to defend their families and their country, should the leadership of their country ever turn against them to oppress. And using guns has protected lone women from being raped and killed. But guns should be removed from the hands of all those who have the urge to kill humanity “just because.”
2021-04-17 3:21 am
The government has yet to come up with any plan to stop mass shootings and keep the guns out of criminals hands. 
2021-04-18 8:32 am
More guns. Jesus, you can build a gun with the simplest of tools. Or even a 3D printer. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will do nothing, criminals will always have guns. The only people who support gun control are the people who want democrats to have fascist-like control over the people
2021-04-18 7:37 am
Abolish the Second amendment once and for all. Thankfully I live in Britain where we have the common sense not to allow the general public to own a gun, and there is very little chance of me getting shot whilst out shopping.
2021-04-17 9:45 pm
I have enough guns already, so it is not an issue with me.  better gun control is needed, but not at the cost of lawful people owning guns. 
2021-04-17 2:06 pm
More guns. Do you expect me to defend myself with plastic straws and peas?
2021-04-17 11:04 am
More Guns Civilians Must be able to defend themselves

Historic Fact Adolf Hitler Got the enabling Act

Removed Citizenship from Jews

then passed a Law Non Citizens could not own Property in the Turd Reich

then Took the Guns  and Homes for the Jews

then deported them to Death camps 

the First step to a Police state st to take the Guns

want to reduce Murders in the USA

REMOVE the Immunity from the Police make the Police get their own Insurance No Insurance, No Job so the Insurance Company cancels the Insurance of a Police Officer because he is a High Risk is no longer a Risk to the Public because it No Longer has a Job

I saw a Video where one civilian was defending the First and second amendment when PRISON WARDERS came out of the Prison with assault Rifles and Pointed Loaded weapons outside of their Jurisdiction


these Thugs were told By a Superior Officer who never came out what to do

remember this to the Police why are you arresting this man My boss told me to Boss who told you to arrest that man My Boss did the second Boss why have You given Orders to arrest that My the Chief of Police told me to who is you Cheif of Police Heinrich Himmler Nazi Germany

People in the USA are Afraid of the Police Prison warders and Park Rangers all of which Draw weapons on Innocent People

If I could I would Have 4 x 7.62 Miniguns on my Roof

and Double M60 in the ceiling above My Front Door and a Mitchell 0.5 in my Cupboard to defend myself from the Police and Other Criminals

a2 Lieutenant purchased a new vehicle and the Tags were where they were supposed to be the Lieutenant stopped in the safest place 2 cops Illegally withdrew Guns Maced the Innocent Lieutenant cuffed Him assaulted Him and the Police believed it was legal

and the Police say why are we being killed the Civilians are afraid of the Police because they Have Immunity take away the Immunity make them get their own Insurance No Insurance No Job and see how Police Brutality suddenly stopps
2021-04-17 11:59 pm
MORE!  funny how the libs CLAIM that whites cause more mass shootings .... off they dont count the GANG shootings and they mostly happen in Blue cities with strong gun laws.... Here is a FACT CHicago has the strongest gun laws in the nation yet are still the murder capital
2021-04-17 2:34 am
45 mass shootings in the last month.
2021-04-17 4:21 pm
America is a country with half of it's citizens wanting to live in a secure and safe society that relies on Trained Police Personnel who carry guns, so that they are protected from Criminals that own guns.

The other half of Americans, want to live in a society, where they can go about shooting people they don't like, and get away with it.  America is a barbaric country, akin in many ways to Afganistan or many countries in Africa, that allow it's citizens unlimited access to guns and bullets, so they can take justice into their own hands.
2021-04-19 7:56 pm
At the point when the Second Amendment was composed, the gun was the best weapon.

The Second Amendment says that everybody ought to have the best weapon.
The best weapon presently is an atomic bomb with a distant detonator. The public authority should offer one to every resident right away.
2021-04-19 4:26 am
You might see Government succeed in controlling mental health patients losing a license to own guns, such as people suffering from depression, manic depression, PTSD, etc.  But they will never take guns away from owners.   But I do agree there is not much need for high powered and rifles with lazar sights, etc. 
2021-04-19 4:58 am
More guns.  These shootings happen only in locations where the shooter knows he will be the only one with a gun.  
2021-04-18 11:55 pm
More. If you take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Then only criminals will have guns. Criminals will never give them up. If they confiscate them. They will only go get more. Because they are criminals.
2021-04-18 10:48 pm
I favor less Mass shootings and enforcing the thousands of gun laws on the books. 
The boogy man that Liberals use is unregistered guns. 
Criminals have them and not law abiding Gun Owners
2021-04-18 10:40 am
Mark the bullets so the serial number leads back to the shooter.  The prisons are only half full.  When the shooter can be traced, wanna bet they stop shooting when they find out prison is their heading.? And the worst prison.
2021-04-18 6:25 am
Given that areas with more legal gun owners have less crime overall, I'd say MORE.
2021-04-18 2:08 am
I favor common sense gun control measures like using both hands and focusing on the front sight
2021-04-18 1:24 am
There was a time say, fifteen years ago when I was a gun control advocate. However, the violence that organizations such as BLM and other such organizations that promote riots, looting, and injury and the defund police advocates has convinced me that there's danger of a new, very high bar in the making for crimes and that at some point there is a high probability that law-abiding people will need to defend themselves. So, while I am against assault-rifle type weapons--whatever that means--I am now rather strongly in favor of well-screened people being able to buy and own handguns and certain types of shotguns. 
2021-04-17 7:53 pm
Neither. I favor children being taught character. Choices have consequences & humans have an intrinsic value. Just because you want something doesn't mean you can have it.
2021-04-17 2:35 pm
This is Merica up the guns.
2021-04-17 9:50 am
That is not a smart Question. How would you like to be at the end of a barrel of one of these crazies--and helpless. Guns are a necessary evil from day 1.If there were no guns people would use knives or bats to kill with. Or perhaps strangulation by someone who can over power you. Killing will never end especially when there is such uncertainity in the leaders of this country. Favoring less than 20% of the nation verses the 80% who can bring down this country in a heart beat. Looting and killing going rampant with governors to scared to do anything about it. Sooner or later the masses will have enough and then it gets real bad. Yes we need guns to protect our families and ourselves when we are out and alone.Yes mentally  disturbed do not need guns or allowed to own guns-or felons or jilted men in bad marriages or someone who lost a job-etc etc. But in order to remove this terrible scorge of wasted killings --laws need to be made to identify these people who are mentally unstable---and sadly that will never happen. there will always be criminals from selling dope the list goes on and on including some members of our very own government.
2021-04-17 2:44 am
I want to see the second amendment completely revoked.  NOBODY in this country - ESPECIALLY police - should have access to guns.  American people are TOO IGNORANT and TOO IRRESPONSIBLE to have access to guns.  Guns are one of the many reasons why I have such a deep hatred for america.
2021-04-20 6:00 am
IT is NOT guns that kill people! IT is the BULLETS! Go around and TAKE all the BULLETS and thigns wilbe FINE again! REALLY! LOL!
2021-04-20 5:48 am
Just the same, the second amendament is very clear
2021-04-20 3:42 am
I'd like you to ask yourself, "Why does the rest of the developed world not have mass shootings on a regular basis?" Hopefully, we can learn from places that have solved this issue to solve our own instead of pretending it's inevitable.
2021-04-19 9:35 pm
Better mental health laws and don't give me that they were normal before the shooting. Most family just deny that their loved one could do something like a shooting but ignored it so things seem normal. 
2021-04-19 5:58 pm
There are too many mentally ill people in America that use guns illegally.
2021-04-18 1:00 am
I favor less shootings.  
2021-04-19 4:25 pm
Guns are NOT disappearing in America--neither is the 2nd Amendment; and any further efforts at either will only UNDO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY and all they so far, have enjoyed. 
2021-04-19 11:52 am
It is the gunman that does the killing.........and furthermore, when armed people (with guns) are  present, then the shooting is put to a stop.  So being armed is the answer.........the gunman always has an illegal or legal gun.........Keep our guns and clean out the White House......
2021-04-19 8:37 am
Guns and opiates have always been around. But lately has caused a problem. Something is happening to American culture.

We are going the way of Spain or Britain, or Rome. But I don't know exactly what's happening. The 1960's radically changed our culture. With respect to: sex, drugs, money and religion.

Why so much mental illness and drug use now?
2021-04-19 8:19 am
I favor more. Guns in the wrong hands can be a detriment, but guns in the right ones could be a blessing.
2021-04-18 3:09 am
Societies with less guns also have less crime
2021-04-18 3:09 am
Because you are in my car right away from me 
2021-04-19 1:51 am
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2   kills nanoworms inside facemasks. The elite is faking that they took the real vaccine; the real vaccine will cause spiritual and physical damage. When will the official churches start praying for the false prophet? Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast (by hiding within a 10-15 people group according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov), then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural). First vaccine shuts off your immune system; second vaccine gives you diseases; third vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. Saint Paisios from Mount Athos said that the devil wants to deceive the rich with freemasonry, poor with communism, and believers with ecumenism. Elpidios Vagianakis said that there will be seven “mark of the beast” vaccines; reject all of them! Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesus prayer or to saints who help right away (like saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.
參考: Money will be electronic. Gov't will say someone lost their card or it was stolen; now, they have "solution" aka "mark of the beast system"... because no one will steal your hand/forehead. Remember Book of Revelation says: mark of the beast = permanent hell; forgive me.
2021-04-18 8:55 pm
Guns aren't the root of the problem. America has always had guns and plenty of them. The problem is that this nation is no longer a God fearing nation. The US has pushed God out and now evil has moved in. Mass shootings weren't happening every week 50 years ago...they were a rare thing. These days, nearly every time I look at the news another one has taken place!

Read Romans 1:18-32 if you want a biblical explanation as to why they keep happening.  
2021-04-18 3:06 pm
Eventually, the bad guys will kill all the good guys, or, the left will stop going to town. Lol!
2021-04-18 12:03 pm
We need more guns so we can protect ourselves without having to wait for those pesky police.

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