Why isn't there an ALL LIVES MATTER movement?

2020-07-02 10:15 am

LMAO. There's so much anger when I want ALL LIVES to ACTUALLY MATTER. Like isn't that...the POINT of saying it?

回答 (55)

2020-07-02 10:19 am
We would explain it to you but multi-generational inbreeding has reduced your blood line's IQ to that of a rotten peach.
2020-07-02 11:42 pm
There is, if you've paid attention to anything in the media lately. BLM is a movement made to promote and demand equality, and tons of people took it the wrong way and missed the point. Lots of people are like that.
2020-07-02 10:18 am
The Democrats have anointed themselves as the sole dictators of which lives matter . 
2020-07-04 11:47 pm
I like that idea.   All Lives Actually Matter.
2020-07-04 2:57 pm
Because for you to say all lives matter means their fight doesn't matter. And quite frankly this is their fight. With every right! How do people not see this? To say all lives matter during a black lives matter fight means you are opposing their movement. Because you are dishonoring their fight. Instead of uniting you are dividing because you are not specifically defending the hurt. They are hurt. This is their fight. You need to stand with them if you are about equality because they are fighting inequality. DUH!
2020-07-04 1:09 am
Because most people know that. Most people also know that Black lives matter too. The BLM movement doesn't care about Black lives but only the Black lives killed by the police.
2020-07-04 2:39 pm
Why do you think there should be an all lives matter movement?
2020-07-04 7:17 am
LOL...We want no more media noise, signs on buildings, walls and sidewalks,t-shirt, hats and pandemic masks, enough already. Now every night since late June its been POP, POP, bang fireworks,Okay. What people want is silence, silence from all the noise.(I'm tired).
2020-07-04 4:37 pm
Because it's rather smarmy..  But if you want one, why don't you start one?
2020-07-04 3:46 am
the answer is simple, and long.
BLM said themselves on interviews on tv and papers and twitter,  they would go back home if the quarantine is over. these marches are basically a friend bring a friend bring a friend and the violent ones stayed while the normal left. then it was marches,  now its statues. its either marches or the beaches and clubs.   
they are ALL teens and young adults for a reason.

the normal organized "ALM" would be organized by adults.  the problem is, they are working or do whatever they can to get by during this time, when you they need to work at the local market or walmart cleaning lady instead of computer engineering.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:38:25
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