Ex wife wants to get back together ?

2020-05-05 7:06 am
My ex wife and I got married when we were a bit young. She was 21, I was 23. Just a year or so in the marriage, she started saying that she was too young to be tied down and that she was not happy. I literally did everything to save the marriage... I did the things I knew she liked, took her on vacation, I proposed counseling, a little gift here and there, thinking she would change her mind. I literally begged that woman to not get a divorce. In the end, I learned she cheated on me with her boss, which was the deal breaker for me.

She is a very unstable person emotionally and very radical and impulsive. 
We got a divorce about a year ago. She went around telling her friends and family how terrible, manipulative and controlling I was. But not one single thing about her bad behavior. Obviously, they all agreed. Since then she has had a few boyfriends. She even traveled to England to meet one of the whom ended up being a total loser. I know she has at least slept with 5 guys since she left me. But recently, she called me crying how terrible of a mistake she made. She wants back in. She will do everything to make things better. How I was her best friend. Should I be mean to her and cuss her out.?

回答 (48)

2020-05-06 7:05 am
Tell her you need closure on her past behavior before you can begin to move forward. Tell her that she MUST come clean with her family and friends. Have her draft a letter telling everyone that she cheated on you with her boss and that is why your relationship ended, not because you were those terrible things she lied about to cover up her affair. Watch her press "send" to distribute that e-mail.

Then,tell her, that after a week or two of thought about a future with her, that you decided against it and therefore, there will be no relationship reunion.

This girl is trouble and you know it. She has not changed, she just realizes she was an idiot. Howsoever, she is still that same person who is irrational, unstable and emotional. Why sign up for that roller coaster ride? Man alive, that girl is just going to twist up your life....again.
2020-05-07 2:09 am
I wouldn't do it.  I went through that & a year later I was back in divorce CT again, another $15,000 down the drain.  If she did it once she WILL do it again.
2020-05-05 5:02 pm
You begged her not to divorce while she was banging her boss and other dudes and you have to ask if you should take her back? Lol, no way man!
2020-05-05 4:00 pm
Answer this question:

How many times do you want to divorce the same woman?

When you get that straight in your head, then you will know what to do.
2020-05-07 2:47 pm
Should you cuss her out? No, you should've just hung up and disconnected completely. Don't waste your time. Remember that you are awesome.
2020-05-06 12:22 am
No, you don't need to cuss her out, but you DO need to move on away from her. She's obviously made herself very unhappy. She'll do the same to you again. Don't fall for it. There doesn't seem to be any evidence that she's changed her ways or REALLY regrets anything. She's just on a 'downturn' right now, and groping for past pleasures--and the ONLY reason she's doing it is because you did treat her well. Feel justified, but stay away.
2020-05-05 7:45 am
Got a lot information on Ex; slept five guys, England loser..etc when divorce means; move on get a life. I detect some love feeling here so be honest you want a friendship but scared.
2020-05-09 3:28 pm
If you read back your question to yourself I do believe you have answered your own question. DONT DO IT! There is NO future in the past. Sounds like she just likes taking advantage of you. Don’t stoop to her level by cussing her out. The best thing to do is get you a woman who is proud to be with you and make sure you put her out there so your ex can see just how happy y’all are together. A dose of her own medicine! She’s a two timing loser. 
2020-05-05 7:13 am
It's ok to stand your ground and not let her back into your life after the way she treated you. It is not ok to be mean.
2020-05-05 8:30 am
Be kind to her, she is troubled. Sympathize with her and explain what you've said here, that infidelity was the deal breaker.

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