Why so much resignation?

2019-06-27 6:55 am
at my work walmart 8 employee are leaving

回答 (7)

2019-06-27 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe no green-card, perhaps new job at Lowes, don't like coworker like many retail jobs Walmart has a high turnover rate even on a good day.
2019-06-28 12:10 am
Why people are leaving at YOUR particular store is not something complete strangers would know.

Walmart stores are not exactly famous for being a great place to work.
2019-06-27 7:30 am
underpaid and overworked . why are you staying ?
2019-06-27 6:56 am
2019-06-29 9:15 am
Terrible working conditions, horrible boss, low pay, and other issues that doesn't motivate workers to doing their best.
2019-06-27 6:42 pm
There's a number of reasons.
Bad management, not getting enough hours, found a better job,...
You would have to ask them why they're leaving. But I've heard wal mart isn't the best place to work for.
2019-06-27 8:32 am
the economy is better and there are more opportunities for workers. If you aren't happy with your current job, it's much easier to change jobs.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:30:21
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