Have you ever attempted suicide and how were you saved?

2020-05-15 5:51 am
Very personal question, I know 

回答 (8)

2020-05-19 5:13 am
I haven't but I had to call the ambulance for my sister who did. She survived and is okay, but she still has a long way to go with her mental health. Gotta say, the scariest moment of my life.
2020-05-15 7:24 am
When I was homeless for 15 months, I was still allowed to visit medical libraries within the Texas Medical Center in Houston. I would frequently visit the book shelves so I knew how to do research to find answers on how to do-yourself-in. I never intended to commit suicide, but the research interested me, so I began reading about medication that I knew existed in laboratories that I could enter after dark. Seconal is a medicine that is used to bring relief and makes you sleepy. I cannot reveal how many Seconal, 40-mg, capsules it would take to sleep the "Big Sleep". Sorry, but I do not think Yahoo Answers will allow me to proceed.

2020-05-15 5:57 am
Didn't use enough sleeping pills I guess.  Got a damn good night's sleep though.
2020-05-15 5:53 am
I was a teenager and I couldn't find the bullets.   I had the gun, though.   As an adult, I've made sure never to keep a weapon that I could use on myself.  
2020-05-15 5:52 am
I wasn't saved I'm dead. Hello from beyond
2020-05-15 5:54 am
Yes.  I was saved because God decided it wasn't my time.
2020-05-15 5:59 am
God saves lives; if only people would ask with a heartfelt prayer, please give God a try.
2020-05-19 5:17 am
Yes, it is legal here in Europe, where noone asked to be born.

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