Would “Black Lives Matter Too” clear up most of the misunderstanding people have with the meaning of “Black Lives Matter”?

2020-06-06 11:53 pm

回答 (96)

2020-06-08 9:42 pm
It actually would but they still wouldn't be addressing the part where they don't show up for Black lives killing other Blacks lives, which happens 98% of the time.
2020-06-07 12:05 am
I have no misunderstanding of Black Lives Matter. They are a communist group bent on the destruction of the U.S.  Things ALWAYS become violent when Black Lives Matter arrives on the scene.

Adding a words, subtracting a word, changing their name altogether will not change anything. They will still be a bunch of violent Neo-Maoist insurgents. 
2020-06-06 11:55 pm
Of course, and it would also be helpful if people were not beaten up and fired from their jobs for saying "all lives matter".  Our Constitution says, "All men are created equal".  That is basically the same thing. 
2020-06-09 6:36 am
I want my street cleaned up...American Lives Matter. We the people..Okay.
2020-06-10 3:34 am
People of MAGA look for any opportunity to say racism doesn't exist, then ironically say the problem is black people. Then anyone who is a victim or sympathizer of racism is misguided or deranged.

Critics of BLM are just extremely racially insensitive people. BLM people would have always been met with the same hostility  MAGA always gives minorities no matter what.

People of MAGA are people who support Machiavellianism & prefer that type of ruler. Underneath it all they're just disgruntled, tone deaf and ugly neanderthals. It's tribal. they don't like anything or anyone different from them. They'll say everyone here needs to speak English, go back to your country and kneeling is disgraceful. Completely fitting that Trump is the leader they elect and represent the disgusting monsters they are.
2020-06-10 9:33 am
I thought "all lives matter" did that pretty well.
2020-06-06 11:54 pm
no that is whiny
2020-06-09 12:28 pm
what it really means is, Black Lives Matter MORE.
2020-06-10 9:10 am
Just another version of Black Lives Matter with less umph. 
2020-06-08 3:36 pm
What misunderstanding?  There isn't any.

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