What do you think of this comment from CNN, concerning Yahoo answer's shutdown?

2021-04-08 1:51 am
"Like many corners of the internet, Yahoo Answers has become a cesspool of conspiracy theories and outlandish questions that dragged down Yahoo's brand as it tries to move upscale. For example, one of the top questions on the website Tuesday morning asks "Is Yahoo Answers being shut down because conservatives have exposed the Socialist takeover of America?"

回答 (129)

2021-04-08 2:42 am
What a bunch of baloney. This site was taken over by fetishists, perverts, autistic spamming trolls, paranoid schizophrenics, and anti-semites YEARS ago. For some reason, Yahoo didn't think THAT was "dragging down their brand."
2021-04-08 3:37 am
I think they're ignoring the fact that it was deliberately poorly moderated.
2021-04-08 7:26 pm
Sounds accurate. 
2021-04-08 10:44 pm
I don't think CNN is anywhere near enough in touch w/ the history of YA. I am as a user for 15 yrs. I think YA is shutting down f/ how it developed to an 'unsupervised recess on the playground' where people lost respect and decency. They persistently breached TOS. Many people didn't do their duty to report violations. The self-regulated forum experiment failed because of this. YA won't hitch to this image.
2021-04-08 6:30 am
Like the old grease man radio show,  CNN is "Shock value" based.
2021-04-08 4:50 pm
Spot on!!!!   LOLOLOL 
2021-04-10 10:15 am
Anything that does not promote deviancy and socialism is being cancelled.  If we cannot change this path, the USA will simply not exist in another 5 years.

Biden just said the constitution is not absolute. They intend to cancel it  and replace it with a woke version of Sodom and Gamora.

Yahoo turned itself into a cesspool with non stop coverage and worship of the Kardashians and Paris Hiltons and other disgusting people with zero self control and self respect... But if you say anything you are branded a racist or a sexist.

CNN?  In the 80's they were a respectable news site. Today they are a cesspool of of far left deviancy and  socialism. CNN is exactly like Fox, just the other side of the same bad penny. 
2021-04-10 5:45 am
It's always been a cesspool.
2021-04-09 4:44 am
LIES CNN ALWAYS LIES!!!!! It's my fault and I proudly take responsibility. See image for my latest trophy.
2021-04-11 3:01 am
Do you have a clip of that because it seems like something the Babylon Bee or The Onion would have written but as we have learned in the past 10 years just because a headline looks like a parody quote doesn't mean it isn't a real headline

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:39:25
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