
Lv 6
Overheard on board a ship: "Are we in port yet sir?" "No, we are still up to our knees in wine". "So we really do travel 100000 times the speed of light?" "Yep! No one is kept in the dark". "How long will this journey take?" "According to Captain Slog, three and a half months, to travel 8.2 million light years".
回覆: 214
2020-04-10 3:10 am
Is it irresponsible for churches to be open during the coronavirus outbreak?
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2020-03-21 11:08 pm
Will the Coronavirus kill millions, crash the global economy and open the door for the rise of the Anti Christ?
回覆: 136
2020-03-17 12:58 am
About 3,000 people have died in China from the virus yet flu kills 50,000 Chinese each year so why is this virus seen as something worse?
Yahoo Answers Team
回覆: 99
2019-10-01 6:23 pm
If I only have 5 days which islands should I visit and why?
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2019-01-25 12:40 am
Why do you desperately want Trump out of office?
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2018-12-25 9:09 am
Do you celebrate Christmas, and why?
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2018-06-06 11:51 am
Do you think smartphones dumb people down?
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2017-03-14 9:41 pm
poll: when life gives you lemons what you do?
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2017-02-17 2:32 am
Why the **** are phones getting so big?
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2016-12-19 3:17 am
Why won't you go to bed?
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2016-11-19 1:06 am
When did Dragons become extinct?
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2016-10-29 10:34 am
How important do you think you are?
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2016-10-22 2:18 pm
Scotland, are you listening?
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2016-08-01 12:02 pm
How to reduce the file size of a word document?
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2016-06-25 4:22 am
What's the best way to clean your ears?
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2016-07-17 8:03 pm
Find the quadratic function y=ax+bc+c passing through (-1,-13),(1,-3),(-3,-15)?
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2016-07-12 9:37 pm
best windows you used?
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2016-04-29 7:12 pm
What superpower do you have?
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2016-01-14 12:41 am
Whats your go to song right now?
Yahoo Answers Team
回覆: 713
2015-07-22 2:27 pm
How often do you send text messages?
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2015-05-09 1:17 am
Should I get a smart phone?
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2015-04-10 3:13 pm
Up or down?
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2013-09-12 10:22 am
How do you know when you´re trailer trash?
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2013-07-11 10:38 am
When your partner gets lost.?
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2010-03-05 12:40 pm
Why do men and women's buttons do up differently?
回覆: 6
2008-07-05 11:20 pm
do trains run on sundays in the uk?
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