Why won't you go to bed?

2016-12-19 3:17 am
You do realize that you have school in the morning, right?

回答 (16)

2016-12-19 3:18 am
Because it's 2:18 PM, lol. And no I don't, it's Winter Break :)
2017-03-09 11:36 pm
Don't worry about others... worry about yourself.
What were you doing up so late, playing on Yahoo Answers,
when you should've been getting your beauty sleep
for school the next day.
2016-12-19 3:25 pm
I'm on night shift. I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours.
2016-12-19 7:00 am
Its daytime and winter vacation.
2016-12-19 4:06 am
i just woke up
2016-12-19 3:48 am
the day is just starting
2016-12-19 3:30 am
It's Christmas vacation right now, anyway. Don't HAVE to go to school tomorrow, so there!
2016-12-19 3:29 am
it's 19:35
2016-12-19 3:27 am
That makes it more exciting
2016-12-19 3:26 am
I've been on winter break for a week and a have 3 more weeks of winter break left.
2016-12-19 3:20 am
I hope you don't talk to your children like that. No wonder they're not in bed.
2016-12-19 3:20 am
I don't have school in the morning. I'm 29. And even if I was still a student, I'm pretty sure I would be on winter break right now.
2016-12-19 3:20 am
Not tired
2016-12-19 3:19 am
yesssss. -_-
2016-12-19 3:19 am
I am 😏😏😏😏
2016-12-19 3:18 am

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