How important do you think you are?

2016-10-29 10:34 am

回答 (619)

2016-10-30 11:45 am
Non important
2016-10-30 2:50 pm
I know that I am very important to the people who love me-my family and friends. I know I am important to the patients I will one day take care of when I finish RN school. I know I am important to every person I interact with because I have the ability to impact their life in a positive or negative way by the way I treat them. People are often much more important than they realize. And sometimes people are much less important than they think. If everyone had truly accurate concept of their own worth and importance/impact on others the world would be a much better place.
2016-10-30 2:35 am
I know that I am very important to the people who love me-my family and friends. I know I am important to the patients I will one day take care of when I finish RN school. I know I am important to every person I interact with because I have the ability to impact their life in a positive or negative way by the way I treat them. People are often much more important than they realize. And sometimes people are much less important than they think. If everyone had truly accurate concept of their own worth and importance/impact on others the world would be a much better place.
2016-10-31 1:17 am
Non important
2016-10-30 12:48 am
Non important
2016-10-29 10:43 am
I'm important to some people, that's all it matters.
2016-10-31 1:34 am
As important as anyone else, I would imagine.

Then again, context determines how important someone is to someone else. For example, I'm sure I'm important to family and coworkers because I'm a meaningful person to them and have a relationship with them, but I'm not at all important to some person in, say, Detroit since I've never been there.
2016-10-29 10:38 am
When friends need me I'm important, but when I'm looking for them, I'm not important then...
2016-10-29 10:36 am
I'm a 26 year old virgin whose never been in a relationship before in his life. I live in a studio apartment in downtown Des Moines with my chihuahua Max. All I truly have that makes me even slightly important are my good looks, other then that I aint shlt.
2016-10-30 6:56 am
Very important
2016-10-31 1:22 am
2016-10-29 1:27 pm
important to people who care about me
2016-10-31 3:43 pm
2016-10-29 10:51 am
I'm important to people who care about me .
2016-10-30 2:51 am
Very Important.
2016-10-31 7:52 pm
An interesting question. I certainly do not think myself to be the center of the Universe for sure, but neither do I think I am utterly worthless. This world is a big place, the entirety of the Cosmos is even grander. It would be the height of arrogance for me to claim that this seemingly infinite ocean of existence revolves around one such as me. Alas, at the same time I cannot deny the immense amount of importance I place upon myself as an individual. I am not a very noble person, if I were to decide the fate of 10,000 people over the lives of a mere 100 (including myself) I would most likely opt out for self-preservation. On the other hand, if I had to decide between the lives of both myself and another individual, then I would more than likely choose the self-sacrifice route. I may be despicably selfish, but surely not completely self-centered, the human psyche is just so complex. I hope these hypotheticals give you some insight into how I view my own significance in general.
2016-10-30 8:48 am
Little important
2016-10-30 2:41 am
Averagely important
2016-10-29 10:35 am
I am human so I am the centre of my own world next to my sons & wife. Other than that i am diddly squat.
2016-10-30 9:34 am
I am not important but my work are so important to many peoples.
2016-10-30 6:42 am
Everyone is important but it's also what you do with your life that can make you important. Like being a good person and helping to make the world a better place.That's important! 😊
2016-10-29 11:44 am
To my family- very important, in fact irreplaceable.
To others- it doesn't matter.
2016-10-29 10:44 am
I don't think I'm important.
2016-10-30 2:12 pm
I know that I am very important to the people who love me-my family and friends. I know I am important to the patients I will one day take care of when I finish RN school. I know I am important to every person I interact with because I have the ability to impact their life in a positive or negative way by the way I treat them. People are often much more important than they realize. And sometimes people are much less important than they think. If everyone had truly accurate concept of their own worth and importance/impact on others the world would be a much better place.
2016-10-30 3:42 pm
2016-10-30 1:33 pm
2016-10-31 3:39 am
Not important
2016-10-30 9:45 am
Not at all important
2016-10-29 4:19 pm
Well, we are all important, of course... We all special and every single person who has ever lived is unique, even twins are different.
I am made in God's image, and He loved me enough to die for me...
There are many people who care about me, family and friends and so many others, and all of them are important to me, special and amazing.
Each person is important, whether they discover the cure for cancer or a starving child in Africa or the president of the United States or a nobody, it doesn't matter. No matter where you are from, who you are, how many friends you have or how much money you have, you are important.
2016-10-29 10:57 am
not very
2016-10-29 10:50 am
Not very
2016-10-29 10:44 am
2016-10-29 10:43 am
I am very important to myself.
2016-10-29 10:38 am
if you did not know, I Baby Tiger, I am the Queen here and all my questions, all my accounts are now in section Discover.. lol it is so fun.. Watch and learn suckers..
2016-10-29 10:36 am
I don't
2016-11-01 4:02 am
參考: Really important
2016-10-31 2:00 pm
Not Important.
2016-10-31 1:40 pm
2016-10-31 2:40 am
2016-10-31 12:56 am
I'm important to those who are important to me ^_^
2016-10-30 4:30 am
Not important at all
2016-10-30 3:43 am
Very important to some people.
2016-10-31 3:30 pm
2016-11-01 4:27 am
2016-10-31 4:44 pm
2016-10-31 4:16 am
2016-11-04 6:18 pm
Important enough that Christ would die for my sins so I'd have everlasting life.
2016-11-02 5:31 pm
2016-11-02 2:45 pm
to a certain extent yes i matter to a lot of people but revoulotionise the world no not right now maybe somewhere in the future.
2016-11-02 12:09 pm
Why all of you folks just typing "important"? And without much of an explanation? Typical for this day and age, everyone feels important for no reason whatsoever. I am obviously important to myself but in the grand scheme of things I don't believe I am any more or less important than other people.
2016-11-02 4:20 am
2016-11-01 7:30 pm
not Important
2016-11-01 1:54 pm
Very important because God made us and Jesus died for us because of our sin so that tells that every single of us is very important so not only me everyone is important
PS I'm christian
2016-11-01 1:00 pm
Not important
2016-11-01 12:03 pm
Yes I am important. I am important to those who love me. Everyone has his strengths due to which he’s important. Apart from that, we come with a purpose on earth and make places for us in someone’s heart. So, obviously we all are important one some way or the other.
2016-11-01 10:35 am
If you were to know God personally like Christians in the light that REALLY do hold Jesus Christ as Lord,then you'd know how important people are!
If you do not,then you would not see people as important but as objects to suit your purpose's. Sinner's,religious people,psychiatrists,psychologists don't understand this. Because they don't know the Creator of all things as "Christians in the light do! This is all shown/explained in the KJ bible.But that book is ONLY understood by Christian's ACTUALLY in the light,that's how God set it up. Even the devil can't understand that book.
2016-11-01 4:54 am
2016-11-01 3:37 am
I am yoda
2016-11-01 2:41 am
I think I'm very important Due to the fact I have a living family and great friends l.Everyones important !
2016-11-01 12:51 am
I have a penis which makes me more important than 50% of the world
2016-11-01 12:00 am
I think everyone is equal with one another. Except black people who think they can't be racist. Those type of people need to be slaves again.
2016-10-31 7:50 pm
More important than I use to think I was.

Every little thing makes a difference some way.
2016-10-31 7:38 pm
2016-10-31 7:00 pm
Non important. I'm just glad I'm alive :)
2016-10-31 6:58 pm
I'm important enough to respect myself.

But not so important I try to force others to respect me
2016-10-31 6:30 pm
2016-10-31 5:58 pm
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. -Tyler Durden
2016-10-31 5:53 pm
important to those in my life but to the other 7 billion people i am not
2016-10-31 4:08 pm
I don't think that i am unimportant, i KNOW that i am unimportant.
2016-10-31 2:59 pm
Not important
2016-10-31 2:39 pm
Important to my family
2016-10-31 2:12 pm
right between not important and not important
2016-10-31 11:56 am
Very insignificant.
2016-10-31 8:46 am
The earth is huge it will double within next few decades. Billions of people will need food and water bc of logistical problems caused by war, segregation and other issues.
If I'm this unimportant on earth. Try to look at what we know scientifically. There are several other planets and moons in the Milky Way galaxy let alone the sun (which is a star half way through its own life). There are many galaxies and the better our tech gets the more they're finding and learning.

I think it's important to have confidence everyday by doing what needs to be done in everyone's own life. We maybe insignificant overall but I believe it's all for something.
2016-10-31 8:20 am
2016-10-31 6:07 am
Pretty important: I'm young but I work, am a great friend and have really good grades taking college classes in high school. But I realize everyone thinks they're important, it's human nature to put yourself first. I hope to build my value even more and achieve great things throughout my life. :) cheers
2016-10-31 2:14 am
Not important at all
2016-10-31 12:09 am
Not important at all. I contribute to the growth and welfare of humanity - and in no way, shape or form will I ever benefit our economy/wealth and prosperity... I'm simply an ant in a vast colony - obeying the queen, Life herself. When I die, I will be forgotten. I won't even be a memory; time would've devoured everything I once held dear or knew. Every heartbeat that kept me going will mean nothing at death's door. No matter when I arrive. No matter how. You don't even know me right now, while I'm living.
2016-10-30 11:51 pm
Not important whatsoever... in 150 years max 2 people in the world will have any idea who I was. Even right now only a few hundred people out of millions do. And I only have an actual effect on probably 15...the world would be the exact same if I wasn't here...
2016-10-30 11:30 pm
Think? Not very.
Feel? Very.

How important you feel is the more important one.
2016-10-30 10:27 pm
So important to my kids, partner, parents siblings. I'm beginning to think that I've been put here to learn the lessons I need to learn. Yes I am very important in my own world.
2016-10-30 6:06 pm
this questions gay
2016-10-30 5:08 pm
2016-10-30 5:03 pm
Not important at all since I'm not rich.
2016-10-30 3:50 pm
I really have no clue, not very would be my guess but who knows what the future holds.
2016-10-30 2:54 pm
I just might be the center of "Reality".
參考: I smoked Shatter in a blunt once.
2016-10-30 2:52 pm
It varies. I think I'm hugely important -- to myself.
On the other hand, my "self" is just a temporary arrangement of atoms and psychological and social influences, ideas from books I've read, influences on me from family and friends, etc. And that temporary arrangement, which the Buddhists would call a "formation," is only going to last for maybe 100 years at the most.

After that -- who knows? if the Christians are right, I have a soul inside that will then have some kind of afterlife. But many scriptures say the best thing that can happen to my soul is to be reabsorbed into the spirit of God. Meaning my whole sense of my self is kind of trifling, though obviously emotionally important to me.

St. Paul says somewhere that for him, "to live is Christ," and to die is gain. Meaning I think that St. Paul considered his real, eternal self to be "Christ" or God -- a spirit much larger than his earthbound sense of ego.

If I go with St. Paul or the Buddha, or for that matter if I go with the natural scientists, "I" therefore am quite unimportant, if we look at the life of the universe over the long term, I'm just a lily of the field, destined to last for only a few days. Or I'm just a small wave in a big ocean; and it's the ocean that's going to endure.

I like to think sometimes that I'm like a single coral polyp in a huge colony of polyps that together form a coral atoll. I have an important role to play in the structure of the entire colony, but as individual I'm quite small and short-lived.
2016-10-30 2:27 pm
I am important to myself.Not important to anyone else.
2016-10-30 12:59 pm
The world is saved by me. :)
2016-10-30 8:16 am
Everyone is important
2016-10-30 8:07 am
Not important.
2016-10-30 7:51 am
Not important at all
2016-10-30 7:17 am
i am very important person
2016-10-30 6:52 am
As important as every other human being.
2016-10-30 4:58 am
not very important I live in a cardboard box on the side for the road 😊
2016-10-30 2:34 am
Important enough to have others who care about me, that is what matters.
2016-10-30 2:08 am
not the least important
2016-10-30 1:33 am
2016-10-29 9:31 pm
Everyone has great good they can accomplish. The question is whether they know of their potential.
2016-10-29 9:11 pm
NOT ! We are all equally worthless !
2016-10-29 6:11 pm
Not at all
2016-10-29 4:40 pm
Not very
2016-10-29 4:31 pm
To my family, yes, to others, not much
2016-10-29 3:16 pm
Not very.
2016-10-29 1:49 pm
I am important to some people but mean absolutely nothing to others
2016-10-29 12:04 pm
Not important at all. My parents are both deceased. I have no children.
2016-10-29 12:00 pm
I'm important to my family, friends and myself. That's enough.
2016-10-29 10:41 am
Very important to certain people.
2016-10-29 10:40 am
I don't think I'm important.

I suppose I'm as important as any other human being, so my life is valuable as is everyone's.
2016-10-29 10:39 am
Do you know that there are more stars in the universe compared to grains of sand in the entire world.
2016-11-05 12:11 am
Importance is never something you can just claim. You must work to earn that sense of importance. And the only way you can find true importance on this planet, is to help others. The more you help others, the more effect you have on many other people's lives. Even if that help is so small, it could change the course of a baby's birth, a man's death. And even if those interactions are negative, that action could stop a chain reaction of a couple meeting, having children, and those children could've been somebody important. To the base question, how important do you think you are? I think everyone has enough importance where they affect thousands, even millions of lives. It's just most of us go silently due to not having the spotlight on all of us.
2016-11-01 5:44 am
2016-10-30 1:37 am
As an American soldier I'd say my job is more important than I am. My job is to defend the constitution, serve our people, and protect us from all threats. That's important, but me as a person? Not very important to be honest.
2016-10-29 7:44 pm
How important do you think you are?

I am important that I am that. I am part of a whole and the whole.. is part of me... There is nothing I can't escape and yet nothing I can't out run. fate it seems heh has plans for me that I never allow. I wouldn't me nor have what is known as free will which also is an illusion :) Because if you believe in something else paving YOUR path.. you have no REAL free will .. now do you? no.

time to wake up.
2016-10-29 11:05 am
Very important.
2016-10-29 10:40 am
2016-11-01 1:13 pm
2016-11-01 12:47 pm
2016-11-01 10:52 am
Really Important
2016-10-30 6:34 pm
Very Very Important
2016-10-30 11:06 am
I know that I am very important to the people who love me-my family and friends. I know I am important to the patients I will one day take care of when I finish RN school. I know I am important to every person I interact with because I have the ability to impact their life in a positive or negative way by the way I treat them. People are often much more important than they realize....
2016-10-29 10:39 am
More important than Jesus.
2016-10-29 9:10 pm
Very important
2016-11-04 6:59 pm
I'm important to my friends, family and people who know me. But, I'm not one to brag about self-importance because unlike some people, I'm too humble to think of myself that highly. As a result, I'm not arrogant about being important to the world like some others can be.
2016-11-04 6:44 pm
I'll interpret this as a passive way of asking, 'Who do you think you are?"
2016-11-04 1:06 pm
If you have any doubt ask your mother All human and mankind are important but they are working differently for each others
2016-11-04 5:29 am
I am very important for the people who belong to me.
2016-11-04 4:51 am
Not very.
2016-11-04 3:40 am
not much. I could die tomorrow and no one would know, much less care. You asked me to answer the question and I'm just being honest. so.
2016-11-03 9:17 pm
To myself and my family I am very important. To strangers... not important at all.
2016-11-03 3:49 pm
How dare you address me.
2016-11-03 11:29 am
can't understand what you want to say.
2016-11-03 11:18 am
Very Important
2016-11-03 7:24 am
Every human being has value. Our media and the people who react to the media think that some people are more important than others. This is not true. Skilled and talented people do have a very good place in society and we should all make an effort to improve our skills to benefit the world.
2016-11-03 6:45 am
2016-11-03 6:06 am
Not Much i guess.
2016-11-03 4:14 am
Not important
2016-11-03 1:57 am
V.I.P status
2016-11-03 1:57 am
Not important if I died no one would notice ❤️
2016-11-03 1:27 am
very important
2016-11-03 1:22 am
Not that important. I'm just a soul on this Earth. If I died, would the world stop to mourn for me? No, of course not.
2016-11-03 12:46 am
not important
2016-11-02 9:12 pm
Pretty important to all my loved ones
2016-11-02 7:37 pm
Not at all
2016-11-02 6:21 pm
Not very important. Sometimes I just feel left out.
2016-11-02 6:08 pm
I forget that I'm important until I realize I have 2 chinchillas, a dog and several fish that need fed! LOL
2016-11-02 4:42 pm
For whom? I am important for my family and people who care about me but for this world I am not important
2016-11-02 3:18 pm
Your moms penis
2016-11-02 2:42 pm
on a scale from 1-10 , 1,000
2016-11-02 2:41 pm
Not very important tbh.
2016-11-02 2:07 pm
low average
2016-11-02 1:49 pm
2016-11-02 1:23 pm
my life
2016-11-02 12:30 pm
very important because I have role in the future.
2016-11-02 11:07 am
as important as an ant in this world
as important as the GOD
as important as any other existence
2016-11-02 10:53 am
I'm important to my significant other, family and friends...

but when I die, my lack of presence won't effect the world or anything.. so I'm not important in that kind of sense.
2016-11-02 10:35 am
You know what? Those who doubt they're important, shouldn't ever think that!!! God wants us all! We were put on this earth for a reason, you are very loved!! Do not let anyone let you think otherwise!
2016-11-02 9:56 am
I'm mum - for my little daughter the most important person in the whole world
2016-11-02 9:15 am
2016-11-02 9:06 am
Not important at all.
2016-11-02 7:53 am
I think that everyone in this world is important and should feel important. Though, I have never felt important in my life.
2016-11-02 7:24 am
To/for myself? Very important!
2016-11-02 7:18 am
Very much important
2016-11-02 7:13 am
2016-11-02 7:10 am
M really important for my parents as well as breathing to person
2016-11-02 6:29 am
I think I'm not important to anyone anymore , only my family and two of my best friends.. because I don't know how to connect or build a friendship with other people in my new school :/ if I showed my personality more without feeling self concious then I'd be very important
2016-11-02 6:28 am
i don't know that others are thinking me important for them or not,but i am soo confident that i am soo much important for me and i will be the important person for me till my death
2016-11-02 6:27 am
Everyone is important, not jack asses.
2016-11-02 6:14 am
2016-11-02 5:35 am
Better than everyone else tbh
參考: I'm Hella Lit
2016-11-02 5:25 am
I can't think of a reason why I am important.
2016-11-02 5:20 am
I knowIi am important as no matter how bad I feel I make sure I am perceptive, diligent in matters of protecting America and speak the truth !
2016-11-02 5:05 am
There's no use crying over spilled blood. I feel I am as important as the grass you mow down when you think your yard doesn't look neat. As important as the little ant that got stepped on. The poor spider that got murdered because of someone's fear.
參考: My depression
2016-11-02 4:56 am
I'm super important. If I wasn't I wouldn't be the top contributor of yahoo answers.
2016-11-02 4:43 am
not more important than anyone else, but nobody is more important than I.
2016-11-02 4:26 am
I am only important to my family and friends so not really important lol
2016-11-02 4:25 am
So important I can't give you any more details
2016-11-02 4:13 am
Ha. I'm a peice of toast.
2016-11-02 3:48 am
Does my teacher saying I could save the world somehow is important?
2016-11-02 3:45 am
"To certain people I am probably a 1. And then to other people I'm a strong 2."
-Zach Galifanakis
2016-11-02 3:20 am
2016-11-02 3:17 am
No very important, I'm only really important to my friends.
2016-11-02 3:07 am
everyone's important because no matter how big or small something is if you add something positive to a negative it may be the purpose of your life.
2016-11-02 2:31 am
To be honest I'm nothing special and most of you ain't special either
2016-11-02 1:12 am
not important
2016-11-02 1:08 am
Lots of people depend on me for entertainment or just help. Sometimes even morale.
2016-11-02 1:03 am
Not important at all comparing myself with the other 7 billion people on this planet
2016-11-02 1:03 am
Not important at all
2016-11-02 12:10 am
pretty important i guess, because the universe felt that i needed to be here so, i guess that means im worthy enough to be
2016-11-01 11:58 pm
Very important
2016-11-01 11:42 pm
In a Grand Scheme of things i think i am pretty important. Especially to friends and family. I also think everyone is important whether they know it or not :)
2016-11-01 11:37 pm
Very important.. I am the chosen one that God has picked to lead the world to peace
2016-11-01 11:31 pm
2016-11-01 11:29 pm
Very to my family.
2016-11-01 11:29 pm
i don't think im important at all
2016-11-01 11:14 pm
Not important
2016-11-01 11:10 pm
No more important than my fellow man, nor less.
2016-11-01 10:54 pm
As important as heartbreaks over somone who never loved you
2016-11-01 9:23 pm
On a scale of 1-10, I'm ℵ
2016-11-01 9:11 pm
As important as anybody else on the planet. No more. No less
2016-11-01 9:09 pm
2016-11-01 8:53 pm
To a certain extent, everyone is important for a reason. Everyone creates their own important role in life. But they have to be able to utilize themselves. In other words, yes, i am important because i do what i need to do.
2016-11-01 8:47 pm
I don't believe I am more important then the person that wrote this. To only say I am important I would have to say in example, if there was a car accident and a huge chance of me helping a family get out but the car was about to explode, am I more important then those people to not help them out of the car. No, I would jump without hesitation to help who ever I could even if it put me in harms way. I would feel less of a person if I just stood there and watched who ever hurt in a car and walked the other way to get myself out of danger would be wrong. But everyone is different in how they feel about others and themselves.
2016-11-01 7:55 pm
2016-11-01 7:50 pm
must be Important
2016-11-01 7:43 pm
I'm a burden to society.
2016-11-01 6:59 pm
i'm just an average guy
2016-11-01 6:37 pm
miniscule in comparison to the billions of other people in this world.
2016-11-01 6:25 pm
Not at all
2016-11-01 6:21 pm
I'm worthless
Im not needed
I don't want to be needed. I want to be free to die
2016-11-01 6:16 pm
dont know
2016-11-01 6:08 pm
Non important au all
2016-11-01 5:52 pm
To whom?
2016-11-01 5:52 pm
Eh not that important
2016-11-01 5:49 pm
barely important, a speck of dust on the face of a gigantic globe
2016-11-01 5:40 pm
To my family, friends, pets and co-workers I am extremely important.
To the rest of the world I am but a speck of sand on the beach who does not exist and I NEVER wanted the responsibility of pleasing the entire beach.
2016-11-01 5:26 pm
Y'all answers aren't that right. Well, me: 0% becuz i know nobody needs me, im useless but i dont care if u dont need me, it's my life all right. Go ahead say mean comments on me or ignore, cuz i dont care.
2016-11-01 5:09 pm
I Think I am
2016-11-01 4:27 pm
not very
2016-11-01 4:23 pm
I am irrelevant.
2016-11-01 3:56 pm
To the spirits I am very important
2016-11-01 3:45 pm
Depends in relation to what. Important in some ways, not in others
2016-11-01 3:15 pm
Unimportant until i make the news for one of the following: 1. mass shooting with a revolver then suicide, with my last words being "The cleanse needs to happen." 2. Straight up suicide bombing, with the same last words. and 3. exposing a large company for shady business and getting them shut down
2016-11-01 2:38 pm
Muy importante
2016-11-01 2:17 pm
Not really important
2016-11-01 1:50 pm
Relative to who you ask. To me, I am the most important person, I am responsible to make sure I live another day, and take care of me. Not that I don't love my family but they need to be the most important to themselves , Idk how this works with kids tho i'm 20 xD
2016-11-01 1:47 pm
2016-11-01 1:46 pm
I m so unimportant that you don t even read this or even comment.
2016-11-01 1:25 pm
2016-11-01 1:10 pm
Not at all. I'll die and none of you will even know who I am.
2016-11-01 8:53 am
Very important. Maybe not to some but to myself and to others. Everyone has a purpose.
2016-11-01 8:15 am
Extremely important!
2016-11-01 8:05 am
You know that micro organism you stepped on every millisecond? Yeah... I am less important than that.
2016-11-01 7:55 am
not at all.... like dead bacteria..... so is everyone
2016-11-01 7:41 am
2016-11-01 7:15 am
Now very important to many people but I guess that's a good thing
2016-11-01 7:10 am
I'm weird so ha ha ha I'm weird
2016-11-01 7:01 am
You should learn to love yourself. However, most people do not even come close to loving themselves.
2016-11-01 6:30 am
I'm only important to myself, and I know that... but I can't un-know how concerned for being pain-free and comfortable I am and how unrelenting getting up to face a new day is.

Whether I like it or not... this life rages on constant as the sun.

The minute I start liking life is when it will end up escaping me.
2016-11-01 6:25 am
Important to myself. To the rest of the world, not so much...and that's ok.
2016-11-01 5:53 am
not very important. Most would consider me annoying.
2016-11-01 5:40 am
None of us are. Were all gonna die and the world will end and nothing will matter.
2016-11-01 5:32 am
important to my loved ones but no one else
2016-11-01 5:31 am
2016-11-01 5:23 am
2016-11-01 5:22 am
I am worthless. not important.
2016-11-01 5:16 am
2016-11-01 5:00 am
Important af
2016-11-01 4:41 am
2016-11-01 4:15 am
Everyone is important even you
2016-11-01 4:12 am
I think I am very important.
2016-11-01 4:08 am
in my veiw very important to the world not important.
2016-11-01 3:59 am
2016-11-01 3:58 am
Anyone who thinks he's important is delusional.
2016-11-01 3:47 am
Not important at all. Today I realized after walking in the back of my group of /friends/ staying quiet, none of them realized I was still there.
2016-11-01 3:41 am
2016-11-01 3:38 am
2016-11-01 3:19 am
Extremely unimportant when you look at the whole universe as a whole and very important when you focus in on my family and friends
2016-11-01 3:17 am
Very important
2016-11-01 3:13 am
2016-11-01 3:05 am
2016-11-01 3:05 am
I am insignificant to the weight of all the cosmos.
2016-11-01 3:01 am
Insignificant. Just one in a world of many...
2016-11-01 2:51 am
It depends on the world you're talking about. In terms of the entire world, I'm probably not all that important, although I do think we are all interconnected. To my friends and family I am very important. But this is in terms of who would miss me if I was gone. They would do just fine without me but they wouldn't want to be without me.
2016-11-01 2:39 am
important for who love me, non important for others
2016-11-01 2:22 am
Pretty damn usless to everything and everyone
2016-11-01 2:13 am
2016-11-01 2:04 am
“Kiss me, and you will see how important I am.”
2016-11-01 1:54 am
No I'm not important for other people.... I'm only important for myself. People who feel important are people like Donald Trump. He talks and he is full of sh1t. And he expects everybody to listen to him and the only people who listen to him are the one who getting paid by him. I just need to be respected either I'm important or not.
2016-11-01 1:44 am
In the big picture i know i don't matter in the slightest. To my friends and family i am important. However to myself i am the most important thing there is because if i don't exist nothing else my eyes anyway
2016-11-01 1:39 am
Not at all important
2016-11-01 1:32 am
Bigly important. Like a Yuge Godemperor.
2016-11-01 1:09 am
not very.
2016-11-01 1:08 am
Not important.
2016-11-01 1:08 am
I think I have the capacity to change society, in a big way. To free us from money, war, intolerance, toxic and deadly technologies, among other things. In such a way that nobody else has been able to in the history of humanity.

To lead us to a leaderless world. Where we sing and dance, laugh, love, share and govern in a circle, rather than putting others above and beneath ourselves.

Whether or not I actually choose to fulfill my destiny, has yet to be seen.

You see, it's not my plan. I have no plan except to follow the will of Tao (God / the universe / nature), and see where it leads us.

If I fail or choose to reject my mission which has been given to me by something greater than I, I'm confident that there will be another person who can replace me.

Though it might set humanity back another 20 years and will most certainly ensure my own death, if I continue on my (our) selfish and greedy path, there is no stopping the great awakening.


I'm not important, just a cog in the wheel, just another grain of sand on the beach, one more star in the vast sky, etc.
2016-11-01 1:03 am
Same as everyone.
2016-11-01 1:02 am
Very important, i love myself.
2016-11-01 12:43 am
Unimportant, just like everyone else.
2016-11-01 12:11 am
no one is important when you think about it
2016-11-01 12:01 am
2016-10-31 11:53 pm
Let's look at this word 'important".

Important comes from the Latin: Importō
It means "I bring in i.e., bring in from abroad, import. Figuratively, it means: "I introduce, bring about, cause".

To be the cause, to have power/skill and utility---this we see as useful, profitable. We judge ourselves against others by our sense of relative utility to generate money or control things.

How in control do you really think you are?
In the end, you die: you may fall from a plane and dance in the air like Rudolf Nureyev; however, you'll splat on the ground like everybody else. When death is the outcome of all life, how important is it to be in control, be the cause of things, the controller? Life tends to have fun disenfranchising the schemers.It's fun to watch people scheme to achieve a goal, and life like paupers in pursuit of their ideal.
2016-10-31 11:53 pm
no one, doing nothing, going nowhere.
unimportant to everyone.
2016-10-31 11:36 pm
Oh very important.
2016-10-31 11:30 pm
Very unimportant.
2016-10-31 11:24 pm
Equally as important as every other human on the planet
2016-10-31 11:18 pm
2016-10-31 11:17 pm
IM LEGIT THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON EARTH. i feel sorry for suckers like you who don't know this swagger wagon and don't get to see this sexy beast every day. I LOVE ME LIKE KANYE LIKES KANYE. I am the bomb diggity. I am ***.
2016-10-31 11:07 pm
2016-10-31 11:02 pm
I'm so unimportant that the end of my exsistence will only affect 4 people and only in short terms.
2016-10-31 11:00 pm
Not important, just average.
2016-10-31 10:49 pm
Nobody on Yahoo answers is important. Nobody is important, the world will go on with or without any humans.
2016-10-31 10:47 pm
Though I have an MA in English from UC Berkeley, and a California Community College Instructor Credential, I also have a rap sheet for fighting with an "officer" in the riots of the early '70s - and I have never been allowed to work as anything but a lupin' transcriptionist for capitalist medicos. So I am totally worthless.
2016-10-31 10:40 pm
Important, God's child, just as like everyone is. :)
2016-10-31 10:36 pm
Not imprint
2016-10-31 10:34 pm
I'm the future bill gates lol
2016-10-31 10:33 pm
Important! God loved us so much that he sent His only son to die for ours sins.
2016-10-31 10:17 pm
in the overall scale of things, nada.
2016-10-31 10:15 pm
We are all equal in importance, even if we feel we are not.
2016-10-31 10:13 pm
Most Important
2016-10-31 10:09 pm
Important enough to still be breathing, I suppose.
2016-10-31 10:05 pm
not that much really hahaha
2016-10-31 10:03 pm
I should be important but I apparently am not. I need to make myself more important and expect more
2016-10-31 9:56 pm
very much so
2016-10-31 9:55 pm
2016-10-31 9:30 pm
im the most important person for myself and that's what realy matters :D
2016-10-31 9:29 pm
really important to certain people who are in my life and unimportant to anyone else.
2016-10-31 9:24 pm
Important as Saitama!
2016-10-31 9:21 pm
I don't think that I'm important. I KNOW that I'm the most important human being on Earth. Well, not now, but since I'm going to save this planet in a few years, I'll be consider so and I'll appear in History books.

Peace out.
2016-10-31 9:21 pm
oh my fxcking god this is the 420th answer
id like to thank mommy and daddy
2016-10-31 9:20 pm
I look up at the stars... and chuckle, not important
2016-10-31 9:17 pm
very important
2016-10-31 9:16 pm
I think I'm important but in reality, I'm just another Cheerio in the box of life.
- Nicky from Orange is the new Black
2016-10-31 9:12 pm
very unimportant
2016-10-31 9:00 pm
everyone is the most important person in their own life.
2016-10-31 9:00 pm
I am one out of 6.7 billion people on this planet. If I drop dead right after I finish writing this, it won't matter. My death would not be significant to the point that it would make a difference if I died.

2016-10-31 8:45 pm
Important to some and just simply existing to some.
2016-10-31 8:41 pm
some what important
2016-10-31 8:34 pm
2016-10-31 8:28 pm
2016-10-31 8:28 pm
not important
2016-10-31 8:19 pm
2016-10-31 8:17 pm
We are all important to someone but most of all to God
2016-10-31 8:13 pm
2016-10-31 8:12 pm
Important to my family and close friends? Yes, of course. Important to society as a whole? I don't really think my existence matters.
2016-10-31 8:06 pm
Very important. You see you guys are a figment of my imagination and when I wake from my dream you people will cease to exist. That's important.
2016-10-31 8:05 pm
Baddest B i t . ch around.
2016-10-31 8:00 pm
In perspective to everything, not important at all.
2016-10-31 7:58 pm
Probably not the most important person ever
2016-10-31 7:49 pm
Extremely important
2016-10-31 7:47 pm
Important enough that Jesus knows who I am and what I do in life.
2016-10-31 7:41 pm
Rather insignificant. Not important at all
2016-10-31 7:39 pm
Important to me, but in the grand scheme of things I'm just a human and the world doesn't revolve around me
2016-10-31 7:38 pm
Not important in the slightest. Just how I like it :)
2016-10-31 7:34 pm
Without me my son would not exist.
2016-10-31 7:33 pm
2016-10-31 7:30 pm
not very
2016-10-31 7:20 pm
Too much important
2016-10-31 7:20 pm
not that important
2016-10-31 7:12 pm
not important because people don't care about me and boys don't like me i have never had a boyfriend before at 21
2016-10-31 7:00 pm
2016-10-31 6:56 pm
I am THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in my life. That is all the important I need to be.
2016-10-31 6:43 pm
i m not important for everybody but somebody
2016-10-31 6:42 pm
He said HOW important do you think you are? And my answer is, I think I am very important. I mean first priority . I'm that important.
2016-10-31 6:35 pm
"Thinking" or imagining is not important here.

Facts are facts.

Let them speak for themselves.

P.S.---You can always check the answers that I've placed on here. That will

help you to make an informed decision. Or not. That's up to the individual.
2016-10-31 6:12 pm
well your question begs two answers
In my local area ie family, friends and loved ones i'm important.

in the grand scheme of things of life on earth i'm just insignificant speck whs only real influence on his surroundings where a result of pure accidental nature of just being at the right place at the right time or being at the worst place at the worst timing
2016-10-31 5:57 pm
Not very, but I think given the chance I could be important and good at it. At least better at been important than those people who are important (Donald Trump) (Hilary Clinton)
2016-10-31 5:56 pm
2016-10-31 5:51 pm
Not a single bit.
2016-10-31 5:50 pm
In the overall I feel as if I'm rather unimportant but I like to think I add some value to the world :)
參考: My brain
2016-10-31 5:31 pm
Kneel before me!
2016-10-31 5:22 pm
I'm here
2016-10-31 5:12 pm
Well I feel unimportant when I go to work because that's how they want you to be then I don't have any friends so that doesn't help and my life is so far from where I wish I was nut I have a great daughter that will be going to college next year so that's the one thing I have that makes me feel pride and important at least to her that's all that matters to me
2016-10-31 5:10 pm
Well, I'm sure I'm important to some people, but not too important overall.
2016-10-31 5:09 pm
2016-10-31 4:54 pm
To society , Not at all . But to my family very considering I am the sole male offspring .
2016-10-31 4:47 pm
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
2016-10-31 4:36 pm
very important
2016-10-31 4:24 pm
Important to some people. Everyone is here for a reason.
2016-10-31 4:23 pm
Almost as important as my cats.
2016-10-31 4:22 pm
I may be important to some people. There are people who need me to use for their own gain, and there are people who genuinely treat me with love or respect who look up to me. But I don't let that get into my head. Some people think I'm important, and some don't.

I think people who think I'm not important and treat me as an ordinary person are being more honest though. I respect them because they don't use me.
2016-10-31 4:21 pm
i am nothing
2016-10-31 4:10 pm
2016-10-31 4:04 pm
As important as you and as everyone else
2016-10-31 3:45 pm
To the extent that no one can lives with out me
2016-10-31 3:33 pm
2016-10-31 3:22 pm
we are like important important like we r just important for everything idk just so important
2016-10-31 3:06 pm
Important I'm the last male with the Durrant name so I need to keep my grandpas name alive
2016-10-31 2:27 pm
in my eyes, just another human, in God's eyes Jeremiah 29:11, probably not a "psychology" answer.
2016-10-31 2:25 pm
Very important.
2016-10-31 2:09 pm
2016-10-31 2:06 pm
only as important as you say I am. that s for damn sure.
2016-10-31 1:50 pm
Does it matter? I don't worry about meaningless questions like that.
2016-10-31 1:49 pm
I am as important as anyone else in the planet, sometimes i think i am less but still wont like to be treated less
2016-10-31 1:41 pm
It depends on the situation. But in general just enough.
2016-10-31 1:30 pm
Not important at all.
2016-10-31 1:30 pm
Not very
2016-10-31 1:23 pm
2016-10-31 1:20 pm
Everyone is important...
2016-10-31 1:20 pm
2016-10-31 1:02 pm
2016-10-31 12:51 pm
On a scale of one to ten, I am a ten in the importance department. I am ultra important to my children. I am very important to my siblings and friends. And, my clients contact me for my business services, so I must be important to them. Because my world consists of my children, family, friends and clients, my importance to people are limited to those people. Anyone outside of my circle has no effect on my life in regard to how they feel about me.
2016-10-31 12:41 pm
2016-10-31 12:37 pm
I don't consider myself important at all; however, I am told that I am important to those who love me... my family and very close friends and their family. To be honest, I consider those family members and friends more important than I am.
2016-10-31 12:35 pm
Why do you ask?
2016-10-31 12:30 pm
The world revolves around me
2016-10-31 12:26 pm
2016-10-31 12:25 pm
Very important, I think everyone on Earth is important. You make Earth better place by living on Earth; you make the future too.
2016-10-31 12:24 pm
I m not important at all. I m not important to anyone.
2016-10-31 12:24 pm
2016-10-31 12:14 pm
To who?
2016-10-31 12:04 pm
very important... just not in the grand skeam of things
2016-10-31 11:56 am
Most important. :)
2016-10-31 11:43 am
i am a legend, a living walking talking superior human

god made all equal
2016-10-31 11:43 am
Not that much
2016-10-31 11:38 am
Take this quiz... go on... it took me a good half an hour to make this and I did try not to be to biased... Choose honestly and you'll get an honest answer.
So its all up to you now, your fate is in your own hands. Kinda... not really... Just click, and have fun with it. Remember, this is all just for fun

1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
3. A man in his 80's hobbles by you and asks how your day is going. How do you respond?
4. What word comes to mind when I say Potatoe like this (Poh-tay-toh)
5. Which do you want to be?
6. Whats my favorite color?
7. Last question, sorry for my babbling earlier. How did you feel about the quiz?
2016-10-31 11:26 am
As much as everyone else
2016-10-31 11:20 am
Probably not as important as I should think. But this is something which has been improving over the years. Not through conceit but through a better sense of self-worth.
2016-10-31 11:17 am
At least you want to know my answer.

That's how I'm important here.
2016-10-31 11:07 am
Well I'm obviously the most important person in the world. I'm me for Christ's sake. I see things in first person. I'm the first person. The whole world revolves around me. This doesn't mean I don't care about others, or love others, or wouldn't put anyone else ahead of me. It's just a fact that I am the most important. Once this is agreed on everything else is golden.
2016-10-31 10:58 am
Im nothing yet
2016-10-31 10:46 am
Important enough to influence you, cowboy.
2016-10-31 10:34 am
Equally important as everyone else.
2016-10-31 10:31 am
Most important person in the world
2016-10-31 10:06 am
I am the only one. I have a special character and looks. No one can replace me!
2016-10-31 9:50 am
I only get in the VIP section ;)
2016-10-31 9:34 am
Not important at all. If I died I most likely won't have a funeral because my mom can't afford one and im not close to any of my family members, except my mom.
2016-10-31 8:47 am
leaders, civil rights workers, entertainers rewrite history they make me feel important hhhh
2016-10-31 8:44 am
not important
2016-10-31 8:32 am
Not important at all
2016-10-31 8:28 am
important as the rest of the people in this world
2016-10-31 8:28 am
11 out of 10 son
2016-10-31 8:21 am
I like this question because of all the mixed messages i get about whether or not one should consider themselves "important". If you love and respect yourself then its ok to think u r important rather than not important. However dont think u r tooo important either right.
2016-10-31 7:57 am
2016-10-31 7:57 am
I believe that I am just as important as everyone else is. No more, no less
2016-10-31 7:54 am
Im a nobody
2016-10-31 7:50 am
2016-10-31 7:50 am
I'm only important to my parents and some friends.
2016-10-31 7:30 am
I have no importance.
2016-10-31 7:27 am
very un-important and insignificant
2016-10-31 7:20 am
Not important. insignificant
2016-10-31 7:00 am
Important to a few I'm sure and that's it. We're all important in one way or another.
2016-10-31 6:57 am
Very very important.
2016-10-31 6:38 am
2016-10-31 6:34 am
priceless, authentic, vital, critical
2016-10-31 6:28 am
Non important or at least I try not to be
2016-10-31 6:14 am
I believe I have importance, based on what I do. But everyone is interdependent, so the importance I give others is part of that. Someone else made my clothes, grew my food in a field, laid the paving stones I walk on, provided the electricity for my lighting, clean water etc.
2016-10-31 6:10 am
if i think about myself i feel important. but in general, in comparison to the universe i feel like i'm nothing !
2016-10-31 5:42 am
Important in the sense of being needed to get stuff done for people but that's about it
2016-10-31 5:23 am
2016-10-31 5:12 am
Very important
2016-10-31 5:08 am
In my society I present myself as a humble person but people like & honor me like anything.
2016-10-31 4:45 am
I think I'm the most unimportant thing here. I'm not even important enough to be called a person.
2016-10-31 4:12 am
Very important in many ways, from the moment I was alive and beyond.
2016-10-31 3:49 am
Kanye west important
2016-10-31 3:27 am
2016-10-31 3:19 am
Not at all
2016-10-31 2:48 am
I feel I need to learn more of life to be important.
2016-10-31 2:46 am
2016-10-31 2:37 am
molto bene


2016-10-31 2:14 am
Important no, Significant yes
2016-10-31 2:06 am
i am very important!
2016-10-31 1:57 am
Not that important :(
2016-10-31 1:48 am
You are important, just like everyone else
2016-10-31 1:43 am
I know that I am very important to the people who love me-my family and friends. So TAKE THAT
2016-10-31 1:22 am
1 small fragment of a bigger universe
2016-10-31 1:13 am
I think I'm just an insignificant spec in this world. I'm a sad lonely boy
2016-10-31 1:06 am
It depends. In work and at home I am in demand, beyond that I am rarely contacted by anyone.
2016-10-31 12:26 am
very important
2016-10-30 11:35 pm
VIP. Actually im not important at all.
2016-10-30 11:32 pm
very important to my family and f riends
2016-10-30 11:17 pm
I don t think I m important.
2016-10-30 11:11 pm
I'm nobody but it isn't without its perks. Most people wish for privacy and spare time, both of which I have in abundance. It certainly enables me to have a long list of hobbies.
2016-10-30 11:10 pm
Im very important in my family
But other than that no lmao
2016-10-30 11:09 pm
I am not important. I don't care if I am important or not.
2016-10-30 11:06 pm
Not sure but it's not necessary to ask. Just know being alive and happy is all that matters
2016-10-30 11:04 pm
Dust in the wind ...
2016-10-30 10:49 pm

Pal, you're in the presence of the greatest man that ever lived

and my name is

2016-10-30 10:31 pm
I think that I am not important. Once I die life will go on.
2016-10-30 10:25 pm
Not Very
2016-10-30 10:15 pm
2016-10-30 10:13 pm
I'm the only one of me so that's pretty important. At the same time I'm aware of what a tiny speck I am in the universe as a whole.
2016-10-30 10:12 pm
I will one day change the world with invention. MARK my words!!!!
2016-10-30 10:06 pm
Not that important
2016-10-30 9:48 pm
I was very Important but now I less important people don't bother about me anymore . God love me as same you all . God make me think I am important in general.
2016-10-30 9:41 pm
As important as I want to be.
參考: Me
2016-10-30 9:38 pm
I'm the key to success
2016-10-30 9:27 pm
2016-10-30 9:19 pm
I don't feel I'm important at all. In the vastness of the universe our galaxy is little more than a grain of sand in the desert. Any individual person is even less so.
2016-10-30 9:15 pm
black lives matter
2016-10-30 9:09 pm
idk man 😢
2016-10-30 9:07 pm
Very important, i am life!
2016-10-30 9:00 pm
To the rest of the world, I am almost literally nothing. Nobody knows my name, who I am, how old I am, where I live, and I guarantee that almost none of them really care at all whatsoever. However, to my family, friends, and other people like my teachers or mentors, I am very important and they show that to me.
2016-10-30 8:48 pm
the world revolves around me
2016-10-30 8:41 pm
I'm nobody.
2016-10-30 8:25 pm
I dont think about importance, only how useful I can be. The most important people in history were the ones who were the most useful, whether that was for positive or negative reasons.
2016-10-30 8:21 pm
You're only as important as those who depend upon you
2016-10-30 8:15 pm
Important af
2016-10-30 7:41 pm
Not very important
2016-10-30 7:38 pm
2016-10-30 7:27 pm
Very important and if i said otherwise, many family members would kick my a*ss for saying otherwise into next Sunday.
2016-10-30 7:23 pm
You're only as important as other people make you out to be, so me? Not very ^_^
2016-10-30 7:22 pm
I'm not
2016-10-30 7:18 pm
2016-10-30 7:13 pm
It depends on what angle you look at it from.
2016-10-30 7:10 pm
Well I'm important to my husband and children and maybe some people I work with, possible a few friends/family even, but that's it. Besides that I just try to have fun and be grateful that I have a life to live.
2016-10-30 7:05 pm
It depends. Are we taking about important to everyone or just important to my boyfriend?
2016-10-30 7:05 pm
Not important at all.
2016-10-30 6:35 pm
2016-10-30 6:28 pm
very unimportant. the world wont give a **** if i kill myself
2016-10-30 6:23 pm
2016-10-30 6:21 pm
about as significant as a rain drop
2016-10-30 6:19 pm
2016-10-30 6:11 pm
I'm as insignificant as you and all the other "Holy Spirit" WE ARE - GOD IS - CHRIST is SAVIOR
I am important in that I believe I am ...
2016-10-30 5:55 pm
important to the people who love me
2016-10-30 5:54 pm
I'm important to those words love me, that's about it.
2016-10-30 5:40 pm
yes i do
2016-10-30 5:31 pm
It depends on perspective. To myself I'm very important, to my friends and family I'm pretty important, to everyone else I'm not important at all. So if you averaged all that data to find the mean level of importance, then just the tiniest bit important.
2016-10-30 5:20 pm
Everyone, you, and I are not important in anyway, in fact compared to the size of the cosmos and its age we are extremely insignificant. I find it sad that so many people on here find themselves important. Hopefully one day they will crack a book and learn about their purpose in life.
2016-10-30 5:14 pm
I don't think I should be important, but other people do; and I am.
2016-10-30 5:11 pm
Not important at all
2016-10-30 5:06 pm
Well that is a relative question. In the grand scheme of things, Even some of the most important people on earth will not matter, We are a mere milisecond on the big clock of the universe. So again, RELATIVE TO WHAT?
2016-10-30 4:50 pm
For some, of course. For others not
2016-10-30 4:48 pm
Extremele important
2016-10-30 4:37 pm
not very just to my mom
2016-10-30 4:12 pm
Nobody thinks I'm important. Which makes me feel not important. But, God thinks I'm important. That's why He sent Jesus to save me. So, I'm important.
2016-10-30 4:07 pm
You think you're talkin,
I'm mister big stuff
ha ha ha
2016-10-30 3:53 pm
Not important at all. When I die people will say hhmmmm.......
2016-10-30 3:34 pm
yaa iam very important to my family ,friends .cousins etc ..
because for them i am more important than any anther person
2016-10-30 3:33 pm
2016-10-30 3:08 pm
I'm a nobody,just like everyone else; )
2016-10-30 2:58 pm
Not very
2016-10-30 2:53 pm
Silly question
2016-10-30 2:48 pm
i dont know
2016-10-30 2:48 pm
not important
2016-10-30 2:26 pm
Not as important as I thought I was when I was younger
2016-10-30 1:59 pm
The problem is that people think that they are relevant. It is a mechanism that keeps people alive. The basic truth is...they are NOT important.
2016-10-30 1:46 pm
My boss told's not good.
2016-10-30 1:40 pm
I guess its depends on the situation.
2016-10-30 1:31 pm
I am precious
2016-10-30 1:27 pm
2016-10-30 1:23 pm
You and I are important enough. as is everyone else, in the grand scheme of time assuming that time is infact infinite. Any person, no matter your role, or your class, race, or any personal attributes and actions are infinitely exponentially increasing in importance.

Think dominos. It starts very small but the results can end in the biggest boulder tumbling down. Except there are infinitely larger boulders.

In this scale of things, you are just as important as Obama, and that guy who scrubs the toilet, you are as important as Albert Einstein, and the homeless man down the street.

So to really sum it up. You and I are important enough.
2016-10-30 1:17 pm
very to family
2016-10-30 1:15 pm
This a rose garden not a asylum in this world.india they must not be to emotional but look futher into life.creation of emontions can kill but i dont suffer this.america,australia and england have a perception teachers .life is good .people in countries must import teachers .god in america sped your knowledge of good creation of things .i want a mexico alliance with the car industy.thanks uncle
2016-10-30 1:12 pm
Not very
2016-10-30 1:00 pm
I am freaking worthless
2016-10-30 12:24 pm
i don't think I am that important at all
2016-10-30 12:16 pm
On the scale of 1 - 10, 1 being extremely unimportant and 10 being absolutely important - I would have to say that I am 全部.
2016-10-30 11:27 am
not important
2016-10-30 11:13 am
Well, my own happiness is important to me, as is that of my family and friends.
2016-10-30 11:06 am
To the rest of the world? About as important as a piece of dirt. To my loved ones? Invaluable
2016-10-30 10:54 am
2016-10-30 10:42 am
Very un
2016-10-30 10:23 am
I am as important as i assume or think to be.
Its all a matter of of our mental thoughts!!!
2016-10-30 10:11 am
not important at all nobody likes me
2016-10-30 9:39 am
everyone's important if the are interacting with other people because are reactions can have positive or negative influential effects. Most people don't know how much of an influence you have on others lives
2016-10-30 8:34 am
To be honest, not so important
2016-10-30 8:29 am
Divide one by the total world population and find the number that gives my importance. My importance is just as much as a drop in an ocean has.
2016-10-30 8:15 am
Me? Important enough
2016-10-30 7:57 am
Personally, very, in a worldlg sense, 0
2016-10-30 7:42 am
Don't Know!
2016-10-30 7:40 am
2016-10-30 7:09 am
i am very important to God and Jesus Christ.
2016-10-30 7:08 am
Too a few people I am an important person.
2016-10-30 7:06 am
Alien researchers say if you feel important then you are an alien affiliated. I am very very very very very important. No human on earth is like me. I am very very very very different human.That is why i am very....Important.
2016-10-30 6:48 am
I am a V.O.P. (Very Ordinary Person). My psychological trend is different.

I know I am an ordinary earthling. I have my own weaknesses, drawbacks, deficiencies, defects and flaws.
參考: own
2016-10-30 6:30 am
For my mother i am so important and for another i don't know.
2016-10-30 6:29 am
Im Just 1 out of 7 billion so meh not much lol
2016-10-30 6:17 am
not very
2016-10-30 6:10 am
Very important to people, but to me, I'm just human with bad judgment sometimes.
2016-10-30 6:04 am
scale of 1 to 10 would be above a ten
2016-10-30 5:54 am
Depends how I chose to live my life
2016-10-30 5:54 am
Verry important
2016-10-30 5:34 am
I may not be important directly. But the domino effect shows that all people and actions are important. So yes. We all are important, directly and indirectly.
2016-10-30 5:26 am
Not very
2016-10-30 5:10 am
not very
2016-10-30 4:56 am
mmm sort of important
2016-10-30 4:47 am
2016-10-30 3:51 am
To be honest, I don't think I'm important. Its not like i held a high position or without me, the world will cease to exist. But I'd like to believe that I do matter.
2016-10-30 3:19 am
Not extremely important, but everyone is important in the grand scheme of things.
2016-10-30 2:59 am
Sorta important.
2016-10-30 2:56 am
Not that important
2016-10-30 2:53 am
not important at all..
2016-10-30 2:34 am
Somewhat important.
2016-10-30 2:33 am
I'm worthless.
2016-10-30 2:09 am
Incredibly important! The universe was made for me personally. You were all created with the sole purpose of being my servents. Only in serving me can you fulful your purpose.
2016-10-30 2:03 am
I don't care. You shouldn't either.
2016-10-30 1:52 am
extremely important
2016-10-30 12:39 am
in which arena? Generally, I'm only important to the people I love, and who love me...
2016-10-29 11:18 pm
more than donald trump
2016-10-29 10:55 pm
Not very. Think about how small we are as humans. The universe does not care about us.
2016-10-29 10:52 pm
Not very.....
2016-10-29 10:27 pm
i am unimportant and irrelevant if i would die or live another 50 years nothing would change or be different
2016-10-29 10:22 pm
Not at all, everything amounts to nothing. Therefore I am nothing...
2016-10-29 9:59 pm
2016-10-29 9:32 pm
I rather not think of me so I can be free of I think our image is what binds us, like, our self importance. Pride ruins you. In the bible, Paul, was given that thorn in the side to constantly humble his pride from what God had given him...those spiritual gifts...that self importance would intervene between God and Paul. At an early age, I remember reading about moses, and one of the verses said moses was the most humble man through out the, not just locally, or his country, but, the world. So, comparing paul and moses, I always made sure I stayed whenever people tried to bring me up, I brought myself down...I always prayed to God and said I want to be like moses...I want to be like that person that God can say...Mitchell...your humble. your not like the flesh or those prideful people....or the kindreds of the earth...because if I am humble, I am pleasing God, who I love. As a result, I found myself very alone in situations....viewed as being weak...and so on...because I was not like the world....or I was trying not to be like the world....
2016-10-29 9:22 pm
Not at all lmao I'm low key a piece of useless trash
2016-10-29 8:50 pm
How important am I?

Well let me tell you straight up, I am so damn important that none of the girls can have my virginity unless she proves to me that she is the one :)
2016-10-29 8:45 pm
I'm a godly videogame player to some people. So, I guess I am important. But I don't feel important lol.
2016-10-29 8:41 pm
Just as important as everyone else.
2016-10-29 8:22 pm
the human soul is important in jeneral but in the end you decide if u want to make something out of yourself
2016-10-29 8:21 pm
Not very
2016-10-29 8:06 pm
I'm important to myself, individual to universe.
2016-10-29 8:04 pm
important enough
2016-10-29 7:55 pm
2016-10-29 7:28 pm
Just as important as you are. Or anyone else, for that matter.
2016-10-29 7:05 pm
Not that
2016-10-29 7:04 pm
To me and my family, very important!
2016-10-29 6:38 pm
To some people
2016-10-29 6:38 pm
I'm not sure. Haven't created what I'm told I'm suppose to create.
2016-10-29 6:37 pm
I'm one in 3.3M people living in America, one in 7¼B people currently living, one out of 🔟5B humans born over past ¼K years, one out of Trillions of multi cellular organism currently roaming the earth, one out of ^20 multi cellular organism in existence since the pre Cambrian explosion.


Not that important inn the grand scheme of it all.

But I am an original as far as my genetic code is concerned. No other person has identical finger prints orbits prints as me. No other person thinks and acts exactly as I do, no other person follows the same diet I do.

So in myself own unique sense, I'm speeeeeecial!

😁 😂 😁 😂
參考: Me, myself life.
2016-10-29 6:16 pm
I barely exist... ):
2016-10-29 6:07 pm
maybe a very important troll, lol
2016-10-29 6:02 pm
I am important to me and my actions or lack of.
2016-10-29 5:10 pm
2016-10-29 5:03 pm
2016-10-29 4:46 pm
I'm important to my family. Not my peers.
2016-10-29 4:30 pm
not important at all to 64/72 of people. and even less of nothing to 8/72 the main ring leaders)

I'm super ashamed of what I'm turned into and shown and how I was born.
2016-10-29 4:15 pm
I'm the least important person there is.
2016-10-29 4:08 pm
I'm just a drop in an ocean in an endless sea
2016-10-29 3:49 pm
I never asked to be born
2016-10-29 3:34 pm
2016-10-29 3:00 pm
*existential crisis*
2016-10-29 2:58 pm
very important to the world...a speck of dust on a sidewalk
2016-10-29 2:32 pm
Very, to those that love and depend on me.
2016-11-01 2:55 pm
2016-11-01 12:01 pm
I am not so important as my mind tells me I am, but more important than I sometimes feel that I am..
2016-11-01 11:26 am
2016-11-01 11:04 am
2016-11-01 10:09 am
near to 1,
參考: not 0
2016-11-01 9:44 am
not very
2016-11-01 9:35 am
In the scheme of things, well i'd reckon I'm NOT important in this world. yet to a very few people I think they reckon I am important..
2016-11-01 9:13 am
Not even a grain of sand in the big universe we live in. If I or someone close got shot in the head for no apparent reason, the world would go on as is.
參考: It's ashamed
2016-11-01 8:07 am
We should all feel important. I know that I am. We are important because of the very fact that we exist. To exist, means "to be..." We all have a purpose, no matter how big or small, good or bad. Even people who other consider the scum of the earth, are important, because they have served a purpose and had an impact, be it negative or positive... I wish everyone in the world could understand that they are a part of an intricate, complex, beautiful fabric that connects to everyone and everything... After realizing that everyone is in fact, important, another question would be, "what kind of important are you."
2016-10-30 11:02 pm
Very important
2016-10-30 1:29 pm
Earth needs me!:)
2016-10-30 7:07 am
As far as the world is concerned, I am GOD.
2016-10-30 3:33 am
Very important.
2016-10-30 1:02 am
2016-10-29 6:10 pm
Ill revolutionise the world!
2016-10-29 5:26 pm
very important
2016-10-30 1:47 pm
V v important
2016-10-30 12:00 pm
Important as can be
2016-10-29 3:57 pm
Very important.

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