About 3,000 people have died in China from the virus yet flu kills 50,000 Chinese each year so why is this virus seen as something worse?

2020-03-17 12:58 am
If I’m not mistaken , China already has the situation almost under control.. so far around 3,000 Chinese have died from Coronavirus yet every year around 50,000 Chinese people die from flu .. So why is this virus as something worse than the flu ? Do you think governments aren’t releasing the real number of people who have died from this virus ? 

Thank you 

回答 (136)

2020-03-17 9:04 pm
On a percentage basis, the flu kills about 0.1% of the people who catch it.  As of current reckoning, COVID-19 kills around 3-4% of everyone who catches it.  So, if 10 million people catch it, 300,000 people will die.  Put in perspective, that's the population of Pittsburgh within city limits.
2020-03-17 11:47 pm
This thing is more contagious and lives longer on surfaces than the flu. We are trying to stop it's spread.
2020-03-18 12:34 am
The news media is using COVID-19 to scare people and sink the world economy to stop President Trump from getting re-elected in November.

They alway underestimate Trump and did not expect Trump to become the greatest US president to ever serve aside from George Washington.  His system for stopping the virus is far surpassing the results of any other nation’s leader in history.

Trump 2020!!!
2020-03-17 1:05 am
The governments are using the virus as a means to acquire more power for themselves by drumming up fear and then using that fear to rationalize taking peoples rights away and growing the power of the state. 

Just look at democrats in congress that have put up bills that force worker benefits on employees. Mandated work benefits violate the rights of employers, but democrats can rationalize it because god forbid someone doesn't get paid sick leave for a virus. 
2020-03-19 8:13 am
1 Billion catch the flu and 1 Million die from it for a death rate of .1%.

If 1 Billion caught the Coronavirus, 34 Million would die since it has a death rate of 3.4%.

Coronavirus has no known vaccine so it will kill much more than the flu which has vaccines. Only reason millions haven't died already is due to the extraordinary measures being taken to stop the transmissions such as mass quarantines, cities and countries being on lock-down, laws banning crowds and social distancing. If these measures weren't in place, Billions would become infected and Millions dead.
2020-03-18 5:16 am
It's not. The flu IS ALSO dangerous. We just have vaccines for it (if people would take it). There is not, so far, a vaccine for coronavirus. The panic is trying to stop its spread before we have something like the flu to worry about on top of the flu.
2020-03-17 2:53 pm
I reckon the virus may have come from space via a meteorite. So it could have alien origins.
2020-03-19 12:28 am
Because we are about one-tenth of the way through this pandemic and a lot of deaths have not been reported by repressive countries.  It is possible that most of the world could eventually be infected, with a 2-3% death rate and with a 12% death rate for older people.
2020-03-18 5:19 am
Becuase people meme about it like they are ******* 14 in highschool....simple answer really
2020-03-20 2:21 am
its a inside job there is no way in this world this could happen
we have taken shots and flu shots and something like this happen and the speed no way a small market takes out the world
thats bullshit there is more to it they are not telling us

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