Oi Kei

Lv 1
Oi Kei
回覆: 3
2016-11-09 3:13 am
Example of discontinuous function?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-11-07 8:56 pm
isomorphism and normal subgroup?
Oi Kei
回覆: 3
2016-11-07 12:24 am
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-10-06 9:33 am
Show that for n > 2, the dihedral group Dn is not abelian.?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2016-10-05 8:07 pm
Find a group G that contains elements a and b such that a^2 = e, b^2 = e, but the order of the element ab is infinite. Can G be abelian?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-09-16 7:24 am
Suppose q is a rational number such that...?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-08-06 3:09 am
probability problem?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-07-21 5:22 am
Derive the joint pdf...?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-07-21 5:01 am
Function of continuous random variable?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2016-02-29 7:37 am
cryptography FACTORING?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-12-07 4:57 am
The integral of the limit is not the limit of the integrals.?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-11-09 4:25 am
Group theory?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-11-09 2:34 am
Group theory isomorphism.?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-10-30 5:34 am
product of permutation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-10-06 2:37 am
Let G be a group?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-22 4:40 am
Abelian group?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-21 10:41 pm
Equivalence relation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-21 6:00 am
Symmetries of a circular disc?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-17 1:09 am
Find a graph with five vertices and with exactly 22 cycles?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-16 8:17 pm
Graph Theory?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-09-16 6:21 pm
Graph theory?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-06-27 9:26 pm
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-05-17 2:26 am
Partial derivative...?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-04-03 1:08 am
The temperature at a point (x, y, z) is given by?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-03-31 1:13 am
Inverse Laplace Transformation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-03-31 12:56 am
Maths problem?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-03-13 4:40 am
Determine the dimension of ker(T)?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-03-09 7:32 pm
Method of Undetermined Coefficients?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-03-08 12:03 pm
Repairing disk error
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-02-23 6:09 pm
Find a differential equation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-02-23 7:16 am
Find a differential equation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-02-23 6:03 am
Are the functions linearly independent?
Oi Kei
回覆: 3
2015-01-27 10:51 pm
Linear Algebra
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-01-27 6:57 am
Linear Algebra. Help!!?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-01-27 1:16 am
Differential equation?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-01-26 3:42 am
initial value problem?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-24 2:02 am
Which of the following sequences converge?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-01-23 5:50 pm
Which of the following sequences converge?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2015-01-20 3:11 am
Newton's Law of Cooling?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-19 5:09 am
Solving Differential Equations?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-19 12:37 am
Solve the differential equation dy/dx=x/(36y).?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-18 9:16 pm
Find a solution to dy/dx=xy+7x+2y+14?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-18 6:00 am
Find a solution to dy/dx=xy+7x+2y+14.?
Oi Kei
回覆: 2
2015-01-14 3:07 pm
Elementary linear algebra?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2014-10-17 9:43 am
Complex 3x3 matrix....?
Oi Kei
回覆: 3
2014-09-19 11:13 am
Elementary Linear Algebra Linearly independent?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2014-09-18 7:50 pm
Elementary Algebra!!!?
Oi Kei
回覆: 5
2014-03-04 2:04 pm
Paypal question:Where my money goes?
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2014-02-24 12:50 pm
Grestest Common Divisor {GCD}
Oi Kei
回覆: 1
2014-02-04 5:36 pm
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:30:08
總收錄問題: 55 / 55 (收錄率: 100.00%)
總收錄回答: 65 / 69 (收錄率: 94.20%)