initial value problem?

2015-01-26 3:42 am
1)Solve the initial value problem
(dy/dt)+2y=20sin(t)+20cos(t) with y(0)=1.

Please teach me how to make it looks like something dy= something dt

2)Find a continuous solution for this first order linear IVP with discontinuous RHS:
My answer are y(t)=e^(t^2)+2 0≤t≤2 & y(t)=3e^-(t^2) t>2


回答 (1)

2015-01-26 6:05 am
the answer for 2) y(t)=2+(1/(e^(t^2))) 0≤t≤2
but how can I find the answer for t>2. Since I don't know what y is when t>2 , I could not find constant C.

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