
Lv 5
回覆: 15
2021-03-27 2:19 pm
What's a Beach Boys song you like?
回覆: 13
2020-10-19 5:53 am
Vaccines are made with the remains of aborted children! Reject vaccines! Support natural healing and medicine! Who's with me!?
回覆: 36
2020-08-12 6:43 am
Is it okay to play with toys at 17?
回覆: 12
2020-09-24 3:21 pm
Am I going to look like an alcoholic buying beers at 8:30am?
回覆: 35
2020-09-20 1:10 am
who have you seen in concert?
回覆: 99
2020-03-18 7:07 am
Which Country is the best in the world?
回覆: 178
2019-11-13 4:53 am
Poll: do you wear socks when you sleep?
回覆: 17
2019-08-24 6:10 pm
What is Led Zeppelin's best album?
回覆: 64
2019-07-09 4:22 am
What would your life be like without BBQ parties?
回覆: 15
2019-04-10 5:12 am
Remember when Fraudiola called Spurs “the Harry Kane team”?
回覆: 74
2019-02-25 9:04 pm
is it legal to work someone for 7 days a week 10 hr a day?
回覆: 19
2019-01-23 3:23 am
Lucky for Cardiff only one player was on that plane ?
回覆: 58
2019-01-22 1:18 am
Can pregnant women go swimming?
回覆: 51
2019-01-18 8:52 pm
Do you like Charlize Theron?
回覆: 39
2018-11-17 5:26 am
Why do some people put hot sauce on their potato chips?
回覆: 14
2018-09-23 11:18 am
how much can i drink?
回覆: 12
2018-09-09 12:22 am
Can any German speakers explain this word order of this sentence to me?
回覆: 48
2018-09-09 8:50 am
Do confident people say probably or could be?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:41:24
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總收錄回答: 19 / 2134 (收錄率: 0.89%)