is it legal to work someone for 7 days a week 10 hr a day?

2019-02-25 9:04 pm

回答 (74)

2019-02-26 11:53 pm
Farmers do it
2019-02-27 6:09 pm
A lot of countries wouldn't allow that. The UK particularly discourages employees working any more than 48 hours per week (8 hours a day for 6 days a week or 12 hours a day for 4 days a week). If employees work more than 48 hours, the employers will get into trouble.
2019-02-25 9:07 pm
Yes if it's in the terms of their contract.
2019-02-25 9:15 pm
Yes, it is in the U.S. but I would not work that much!

Have a wonderful day
2019-02-27 11:10 pm
Sure. Sounds like a lot of overtime pay! Or, if they are salaried, they may just have to work that many hours.
2019-02-26 11:42 am

There are jobs that require 12 hours per day, seven days per week, and some are state jobs.
2019-02-26 4:51 am
Very. As long as you’re over 18. I know someone who worked 90 hours a week
2019-02-25 9:28 pm
Unless it is a safety sensitive position that restricts hours like a pilot or air traffic controller you can choose to work as much as you want if the work is available. States all have rules about overtime pay and such, but you can work every day if you choose.
2019-02-27 7:39 am
Yes, but only if you decide. Your boss could never make you work more than 5hrs for most jobs, it is not legal
2019-03-02 9:30 pm
Yes and not uncommon if working in management.
參考: personal experience
2019-02-28 9:26 pm
If they want to do it
2019-02-28 10:04 am
Yeah. Unless that person is under 18 and in school.
2019-02-28 6:20 am
I think that by law, you've gotta be offered at least two days a week off. If you choose to wave them days off and work straight through them, say, for instance, 'cos ya love your job so much, that ya can't stand to be away from it- (highly doubtful), or more likely, 'cos ya need the money, then that's your affair, and that's called "overtime." A lot of people work overtime, if they need the extra money.
2019-02-27 10:00 pm
At the plant I worked at we did 7 days 12.5 hrs a day
2019-02-27 2:58 pm
Depends if it says anything in the handbook/contract.
For example, my boyfriend works 7 days a week about 8 hours. That’s his job. He wants a new job so he can have days off but he can ask for one any time.
But at my job, I can’t work 7 days straight. They won’t let me.
But at my other job before the one I have now, I worked two months straight everyday.
It all depends on the job and how the “rules” are.
2019-02-27 8:40 am
Yes, but your compensation needs to be proportionate.

For instance, it's not uncommon for some trades to work these hours. I've seen Sheriff Deputies work 12 hour days for 7 days straight.
2019-02-27 5:38 am
Yes. Definitely. You can't work your wife that hard. She needs time off from that street corner.
2019-02-27 3:54 am
2019-02-27 3:02 am
Us workers are screwed & the answer is YES to your question. It is perfectly legal plus if you conduct research then you will notice that it does not state anywhere that require employers to provide meal or rest breaks.

I hope this helps
2019-02-26 11:23 pm
Not sure. But it is hazardous for health if someone works for such a long hours.
2019-02-26 11:09 pm
It sure is...
2019-02-26 9:25 pm
You're lucky you can get that many hours but you do need one day off.
2019-02-26 8:36 pm
Mostly 12 hours
2019-02-26 6:26 am
yep, I'm trying to get a job in a field where 80 hours weeks can be common
2019-02-25 10:04 pm
Yes, as long as the person is compensated for their time.
In the US, after 40 hours, you get overtime pay.
2019-02-25 10:16 pm
As long as he/she gets paid then it is okay.. btw why is this question posted on the diet & fitness category??
2019-02-26 6:11 am
Don't know if legal......seems one would have no life to speak of.
Why not look into other jobs doing research and apply for something that gives you some time to have some fun.
Life is too short to only work. Bless you.
2019-03-10 7:55 am
Not in America.
2019-03-03 5:22 am
In the US, it varies by state, under federal law, you just have to pay them lots of overtime.
2019-03-02 10:17 am
It is as long as you don't force the person to do it.
2019-03-02 4:16 am
It's up to you if you want to work that much. If you consent, it's legal.
2019-03-01 7:02 pm
Hmm yeah but it's not morally right
2019-03-01 12:10 pm
Where I live, someone making minimum wage would gross $4,080.00 working those hours. Almost a $50,000 annual salary is perfectly livable here. Problem is, not many people nowadays have that kind of work ethic. Perfectly legal to work those paid hours—my husband and I own our own business and have to be ready to work 24/7.
2019-03-01 5:17 am
Legal in the US.
2019-02-28 1:09 pm
in the USA per employer would give you max 40 hours but people are allowed to get a 2nd job and work more hours if they want too.
2019-02-28 11:23 am
2019-02-28 11:19 am
Sounds like a normal work week in Mexico.
2019-02-28 10:35 am
Yes, I think it's fine
2019-02-28 7:11 am
yes because that same person may be a slave or is working extra hours
2019-02-28 5:44 am
For salaried employees time is not a factor it’s when the job gets done.
2019-02-28 3:26 am
2019-02-28 12:47 am
If you do work more than 20 hours per week for someone, that employer must give you “at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in every calendar week.” ... Employers can get permission from the Department of Labor to work their employees 7 days a week, but they can only do that a maximum of 8 weeks a year
2019-02-27 8:15 pm
Get a union
2019-02-27 2:48 pm
Depends on the position and job.
2019-02-27 1:54 pm
It's legal if you say yes you'll work. It's illegal for your employer to make you work.more than 40 hours in a week or more than 8 hours per day.
2019-02-27 1:03 pm
Yes, as long as they get breaks in between. Those are required by law.
2019-02-27 12:57 pm
I'm self employed, so I'm technically working 24/7.

The most I worked was 211 hours in a two week period as employee. Ironically, I offered to switch from hourly to salary about a month earlier and they turned me down. I did switch to salary a couple months later.
2019-02-27 7:15 am
That depends on your state of residence. Some states limit the number of days you can work. Labor laws vary in each.
2019-02-27 4:27 am
That would max the 70 hour per week rule for 7 days work. So yes it is. There is a 21 day rule You can only be worked 21 days strait with out a day off. Unless you signed to work over that or it is in the contract. Most companys have you sign a paper you need read before signing.
2019-02-27 4:05 am
Yes.. not legal to work over 16 hours a day
2019-02-27 2:16 am
Yes as long as they pay you. You could always say no and risk being let go.
2019-02-26 11:41 pm
In the USA, it's legal. Many of the surgeons I work with put in AT LEAST that many hours per day all week.
2019-02-26 10:24 pm
if in the contract, then yes
2019-02-26 8:27 pm
Not in my country
2019-02-26 7:09 pm
Required to allow breaks
2019-02-26 12:18 pm
As long as they give you overtime pay and benefits as required by the state you live in, it's conpletely legal. I used to be friends with a girl who worked 80-100 hours a week.
2019-02-26 11:59 am
Yes it is legal. I know people who just hired on for a 12 hour 7 day job. It is only for a short amount of time but yes.
Many factories and printing companies do 12 hour shifts. And many workers will work 7 days straight.
2019-02-26 10:10 am
Depends where they live
2019-02-26 9:20 am
According to pay.
2019-02-26 4:57 am
2019-02-26 4:23 am
2019-02-26 3:37 am
There is no limit to the amount of hours you can legally work under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
There are also no requirements at all for breaks.
The only requirements are that you get paid 1.5 times your hourly rate for over forty hours per week, and that you cannot be required to do ANYTHING work related when on an unpaid break (even answering a phone).
Some states do have laws regulating hours worked and breaks, but no such limitations exist in federal law for anyone over 18 years of ags.
2019-02-26 3:09 am
Lots of people work in cycles that are longer than 7 days in a row. I knew a someone who worked 10 hours a day 21 days in a row and then got a week off. If it's your employment contract it's your employment contract. The issue is whether or not you're being paid overtime as required by law.
2019-02-26 2:36 am
2019-02-26 1:41 am
2019-02-26 12:48 am
If they volunteer to do it.
2019-02-25 9:15 pm
The federal overtime provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unless exempt, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rates of pay.
2019-03-01 11:57 pm
2019-02-27 1:06 pm
2019-02-27 8:20 am
In what country?
2019-02-26 4:08 am
talk about burning the candle at both ends......I don't think so......
2019-02-25 9:27 pm
if you feel it isn't legal speak to your local labor board
2019-02-25 9:21 pm
it is legal in the US provided you pay a 1.5 hour rate after 40 hours in the week
2019-02-27 7:54 pm
That is called exploitation. If you intend to do that to your employee,
I hope one day someone will just do the same to you.

If the question is just for personal knowledge and information,please excuse me.

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