Which Country is the best in the world?

2020-03-18 7:07 am

回答 (99)

2020-03-20 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
None, we all suck
2020-03-18 12:06 pm
Antarctica is cool
2020-03-18 8:00 am
2020-03-19 5:09 am
The United States of America. USA. USA. USA
2020-03-19 9:23 pm
參考: those who sayother wise is a liar
2020-03-20 6:15 am
Mexico baby! And i wasnt even born there.....but all my ancestors were, we were proud Aztecs with muscles and feathers on our heads. We danced and laughed and had a good time. Well...until the Spaniards ruined us. 😢
2020-03-19 4:56 pm
Canada is the best country in the world. We're as free as free can get and sit right next to the biggest guy in class who will come to our defense if need be. 
2020-03-18 7:14 am
United Kingdom....................
2020-03-19 11:10 pm
By which criteria.
2020-03-20 11:05 pm
Everyone has there own opinion, but it's obviously England!
2020-03-20 12:19 pm
Best at what hat? Best in what way? China claims to have the best food. The US claims to be the most free. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:40:00
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