Can pregnant women go swimming?

2019-01-22 1:18 am
Is It possible for pregnant women to go swimming without unintentionally drowning the baby? How can the baby breath if the vagina is underwater? Should the mother keep her vagina above the water so the baby can breath through it?

回答 (58)

2019-01-24 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on how many months you are
2019-01-22 9:48 pm
What are you- 5 ? You can't be serious!!
2019-01-22 2:05 pm
yes, they clearly can.
the unborn baby NEVER breathes through the vagina, it just gets both oxygenated blood and all the food it needs by the blood vessels of the umbilical cord.
the pregnant woman's swimming has nothing to do with this and does not preclude/ impede blood flow through the umbilical cord....
參考: I am a Family physician ... good health....
2019-01-24 10:47 pm
Babies are incased in fluid in the womb. They are not affected by the mom swimming.
2019-01-24 1:26 pm
This is so stupid don't reproduce. The baby does not breathe through your vagina.
2019-01-22 3:05 am
Are u a troll or do u really think a baby has to breathe? They get oxygen through the umbilical cord and the mother's blood. No offense if u didn't know
2019-01-22 1:29 am
The baby doesn't breathe through its nose until after birth, that is what the cord is for. She may swim but a theme park is not a good idea, it's traumatic things that should be avoided.
2019-01-22 1:46 am
Yes they can go swimming. The baby is protected in the woman's womb, and does not breath through the vagina.
2019-01-22 1:45 am
Yes. The baby in inside water inside the mother's body.
2019-01-22 3:37 am
No, pregnant women can't go swimming. Yes, unborn babies breathe through their mothers' vaginas. Cutting off the oxygen flow by swimming can cause brain damage in the unborn child.

Your mother swam often during her pregnancy?
2019-01-24 12:49 pm
Completely safe.
2019-01-22 1:25 pm
Yes, Swimming is considered very safe during pregnancy. But make sure you are going to a chlorinated pool because it does not harm to and your baby. Swimming also benefits you in pregnancy aches and pains.
2019-01-23 2:56 am
If your suggestion were true (breathing through the vagina) the baby would be in peril whenever the mother sat down, or wore tight pants. Or any pants for that matter.
2019-01-22 4:07 am
Yes, it breathes through the umbilical cord.
2019-01-22 2:03 am
Yes my wife has had two kids pregnant with our 3rd she loves swimming
2019-01-22 1:20 am
of course.
2019-01-25 8:57 am
Depends on how many months you are
2019-01-24 8:02 am
Yes. The baby is safe inside the amniotic sac.
2019-01-24 6:03 am
Yes you can give poop out the baby while underwater. It's safe. Babies can breathe in water for first hour of their lives. Water birth is best And was practiced in ancient cuktures.
2019-01-23 10:46 pm
I hope you're trolling, this is ridiculous.
2019-01-23 4:15 pm
You're not even a good troll.

The lungs are not used until the baby is born.

The doctor gives the baby a slap on the rear and the baby takes his/her first breath and then breathes.

The baby, while in the uterus, floats inside a sac filled with amniotic fluid, so the baby is torally surrounded by liquid!!

Answer: Yes
2019-01-23 3:59 am
Yes, indeed pregnant women can swim. Many doctors recommend staying physically active during pregnancy, and swimming is one of the best types of physical exercise that anyone can do. That's because swimming exercises most of the major body muscles with the lowest rate of injury, since it's not possible to strain or sprain any part of the body when it's supported by water.

The baby gets oxygen through the umbilical cord during pregnancy, not via the vagina. Once a woman has become pregnant, a plug made from mucus clogs the vagina up, so water cannot enter the uterus.

Hope this helps.
2019-01-22 3:51 pm
Omg you're all idiots. The guy is clearly trolling.
2019-01-22 9:07 am
Yes, I'm pregnant and I swim all the time. Babies don't breathe through the vagina, they breathe through the umbilical cord, so as long as the mother can breathe through her nose or mouth, the baby can too.
2019-01-22 5:44 am
Jesus H fcuking christ. Or, You HAVE to be trolling. How can someone that is old enough to have a baby be so ignorant??????????? You think babies breathe though the woman's pussy?
The baby takes EVERYTHING it needs from the mother's body. It is perfectly safe for a pregnent woman to do gentle swimming.
2019-01-22 1:55 am
2019-01-22 1:51 am
I sense the start of a new variant of the pregnant woman questions.
2019-01-22 1:37 am
Yes. Why wouldn't they be able to?
2019-01-22 1:26 am
Yes indeed. Anybody can go swimming. There are no limitations.
2019-01-22 1:24 am
Yes, the baby is already swimming in amniotic fluid in the womb.
2019-01-22 1:29 am
I think so yes that’s one of the exercises they recommend to pregnant women
2019-01-25 7:22 am
Are you ******* stupid? You’re a “woman” and you claim to be pregnant, you don’t even understand the basics which 11 year olds get taught... ignorant ****. Do us all a favour and DONT REPRODUCE. This better be a joke!
2019-01-25 1:48 am
well depends on how far into pregnancy you are if youre just stating then yes if youre far into it no
2019-01-25 11:07 pm
Are you really this clueless, I hope you got someone to look after you and the baby when you go home from the hospital, the baby gets everything through the umbilical cord.
2019-01-25 12:24 pm
2019-01-25 5:34 am
short answer: yes
2019-01-25 1:14 am
Yes, you would be a human submarine
2019-01-25 12:44 am
It's very dangerous because the position of you child's growth may change due to the pressure.
2019-01-24 8:23 pm
2019-01-24 6:18 pm
Pregnant women should swim advice of he doctor.
2019-01-24 2:48 pm
u have baths don 't u
2019-01-24 2:46 pm
You should wait to go swimming at least 24 hours after eating otherwise the baby ends up with muscle cramps and mental health issues.
2019-01-24 5:51 am
As long as your not about to give birth you should be fine
2019-01-24 5:48 am
yes, it should be safe. enjoy.
2019-01-24 2:14 am
Thanks for me making me laugh ????
2019-01-24 1:36 am
Yes. Because swimming is gentler on your body, it is often recommended for people with arthritis, back problems, or weight problems as well as for pregnant women. Avoid swimming alone.
2019-01-23 12:53 pm
Women can do anything..only she have guts or courage.
2019-01-23 10:06 am
2019-01-23 4:32 am
yes the baby is protected from the water at that point
2019-01-22 7:39 am
yes it is GOOD for them and then Baby
2019-01-22 6:20 am
2019-01-22 4:48 am
Fetal respiration doesn't occur through the vagina, but through the umbilical cord inside the uterus.
2019-01-22 1:43 am
Yes. There is no threat to the fetus because the mother provides the respiratory function for the fetus while emerged in amniotic fluid.
2019-01-27 8:55 pm
u want a dead baby?
it will drown , duh
2019-01-23 10:54 pm
I would have thought so, but just check it out!
2019-01-22 10:39 am
Of course she can! An infant is in "water" the entire time it's inside the uterus - it's floating in a sac of amniotic fluid. Oxygen is delivered through the umbilical cord. The baby doesn't physically take a breath until after it's born.

If a pregnant woman goes swimming, no water (or anything else) can reach the baby. Nature seals the cervix during pregnancy.

By your reasoning, you would also have to believe that a pregnant woman can't take a tub bath while she's pregnant because she will be sitting in water while she's in the tub.
I'm waiting for you to explain how a woman is supposed to "keep her vagina above the water". How's she going to accomplish that - stand on her head?
2019-01-22 1:19 am
Yes they can. No water can enter the vaginal passage.
2019-01-25 10:05 am
How far into the pregnancy, how deep is the water, how's she getting in, and why not ask her doctor?

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