Tony B

Lv 4
回覆: 22
2021-04-18 9:25 pm
What would be a good side dish to spaghetti if you aren't making a salad?
回覆: 5
2021-04-16 12:05 pm
How much improvisation are the instrumentalists allowed to do when recording music?
回覆: 9
2021-04-10 5:35 am
Would you eat a can of soup that was purchased back on July 31, 1992?
回覆: 6
2021-03-21 5:40 pm
In music, when you change chord, do you play all other instruments to that chord?
回覆: 7
2021-03-08 2:56 am
Who is the main lead vocalist in the rolling stones?
回覆: 14
2021-02-28 11:07 am
In 1999, were most people listening to cassettes or CD’s?
回覆: 11
2021-02-21 1:19 pm
Why do we still abstain from meat during lent in the 21st century?
回覆: 3
2021-01-08 1:55 am
Will the COVID-19 vaccine be compulsory in the UK?
回覆: 19
2020-08-15 3:04 pm
Is the Bible evidence of god or not?
回覆: 6
2020-07-19 2:01 pm
Why do so many people apparently not understand that disagreeing with an interpretation of a religious text is not "calling God a liar"?
回覆: 3
2020-07-11 3:23 am
How Do I use a Microphone Adapter?
回覆: 5
2020-07-09 9:55 pm
i have a gallon of pure blackberry juice and i want to try and make some wine - now what ?
回覆: 14
2020-06-27 11:51 am
Does the Bible teach a flat earth?
回覆: 26
2020-06-18 7:16 pm
Is the Noah's Ark story a myth?
回覆: 30
2020-06-05 1:59 pm
How is anyone supposed to understand the Bible if it is written in such English that modern English speakers don't speak?
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