Why do we still abstain from meat during lent in the 21st century?

2021-02-21 1:19 pm
The biggest reasons why it was to be abstained for us humans was because it was the cheapest/free thing you can get. But times have exceedingly change in the 21st century where now you can go to a food pantry and get meat for free while seafood is exceedingly expensive in our day and age. Average price for chicken I usually buy scales between $0.49-$1.50/lb. While seafood can average $5-8/lb.. And many humans across the modern world sometimes aren't even legally allowed to fish in the waters due to commercial restrictions. Or it cost more than some Americans can afford (boat, rod, lines, bait, transportation, etc). I'll still observe lent traditions as I'm no preacher, but shouldn't there at least be a discussion about this?

回答 (11)

2021-02-21 1:21 pm
The Scriptures don't teach that you should practice Lent.
2021-02-21 1:22 pm
You don't have to eat fish -- you can have a pepper & egg sandwich.

Or a veggie burrito.  Or peanut butter.  Or pasta with mushrooms.
2021-02-21 10:18 pm
"The biggest reasons why it was to be abstained for us humans was because it was the cheapest/free thing you can get."

Wow.  Fire your English tutor.
2021-02-21 5:58 pm
Who is the “we” you mention?

In my experience, I'm in the UK, people who abstain during lent choose something they enjoy. Someone I know abstains from alcohol. Abstaining from chocolate is another common choice.

For most people I know, observing Lent involves only a token gesture.
2021-02-21 3:28 pm
What do you mean by "we", hon?
2021-02-21 2:13 pm
Great question, since there is no longer a need to observe Lent. 
Lent is a ritualistic formality which came about by way of food shortages which occurred many centuries ago. By fasting several times a year for any of several reasons that were declared to be of religious importance, food was saved and made to last longer even if it was only for a short period of time. Jesus never insisted on Lent, and neither the Bible nor the Ten Commandments require it.
2021-02-21 1:51 pm
I know of no place in the Greek Christian Scriptures where anyone is required to abstain from any food except what is sacrificed to idols and from blood or anything found dead or strangled, Acts 15:29. Fasting or abstaining from something is a personal choice and not a requirement. Since lent is not something found in the Scriptures the Scripture comes to mind where it says; do not go beyond the things that are written, 1 Corinthians 4:6. That of course applies to God's word and not something man makes up. So, will you follow men or follow God, that's the choice.
2021-02-22 1:27 am
Cost is irrelevent. The point is that meat is a pleasure for most people, and giving up the pleasure of meat is an act of sacrifice and self denial. Abstinance, like fasting, is a spiritual discipline which strengthens the virtues of self-control and obedience and teaches us not to be too atteched to worldly things. It is also an act of penance for sins.
2021-02-21 1:25 pm
Nobody has told me of any dietary restrictions in my religion. I haven't been restraining from meat during lent and honestly, I don't think my Catholic relatives have either. 
2021-02-21 3:50 pm
Chalk it up to Tradition. Pasta is still a very cheap option.

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