
Lv 7
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2018-04-10 10:49 am
calculate the number of moles in 6o gm NaOH?
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2018-04-10 12:04 pm
why does absorbance of light increase as the concentration of dissolved food dye in a solution increases?
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2018-04-09 11:44 pm
A solution contains [Ba+2]=0.075M and [Pb+2]=0.015M. Which one will precipitate first if 1M Na2SO4 is added to the solution?
回覆: 2
2018-04-09 10:17 pm
calculate the energy difference for a transition in the paschen series for a transition from the higher energy shell n=5?
回覆: 2
2018-04-09 10:37 am
ball that contained 25.0 L of air at 22C and 6.25 atm pressure was placed in an oven at a temperature of 100C. what is the new pressure?
回覆: 3
2018-04-09 10:05 am
Chemistry titration help!!!!?
回覆: 3
2018-04-09 9:33 am
HELP WITH GEN CHEM 2, Please show work?
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2018-04-08 12:11 pm
a 3.00 ml aliquot of 0.001 M NaSCN is diluted to 25.0 mL with 0.2 M Fe(NO3)3 and 0.1 M HNO3.?
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2018-04-06 11:36 am
can somebody help name these compounds?
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2018-04-07 3:52 pm
identify the reagents represented by the letters a through d in the following scheme?
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2018-04-07 3:11 pm
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2018-04-07 9:14 am
Ochem 1 drawing mechanism for the conversion of pentan-3-one to its enol form?
回覆: 4
2018-04-07 10:25 am
Chemistry help wanted!?
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2018-04-06 2:59 pm
bicarb soda reacting with vinegar, name one substance that has a covalent and ionic bond?
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2018-04-06 11:35 am
Why does magnesium have a large increase between its second and third ionization energies?
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2018-04-04 11:27 pm
Chemistry - adding a strong acid to buffer, how will this change pH?
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2018-04-04 12:52 pm
What mass of iron(III) oxide must be used to produce 87.90 g of iron?
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2018-04-04 7:46 am
What is the molar mass of a compound if 25.0 g of the compound dissolved in 750. mL gives a molarity of 0.290 M?
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2018-04-04 11:24 am
a compound made of 5.89g cobalt, 2.80 nitrogen & 9.60g oxygen. determine the emperical formula of this compund?
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2018-04-04 3:09 am
chemistry of solutions?
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2018-04-03 11:16 pm
Consider 2 H2S + SO2 -> 3 S + 2 H2O.How many moles of H2S must react to form 4.0 moles of S?How many moles of SO2 react to form 4 mol of H20?
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2018-04-03 8:42 pm
Calculate the ratio of CH3NH2 to CH3NH3Cl required to create a buffer with pH = 10.18.?
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2018-04-03 8:31 am
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2018-03-31 3:34 pm
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2018-03-31 1:15 am
Find the [H+].?
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2018-03-30 12:21 am
A gas has a pressure of 6.46atm at 227 degrees Celsius. What will it’s pressure be at 27 degree Celsius, if the volume is held constant?
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2018-03-28 3:55 pm
which of the following species would not function as an oxidizing agent mno4-, mn2+,?
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2018-03-28 9:23 am
Titrations, pH curves, and Indicators? 10 Points!?
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2018-03-28 1:25 am
Chemistry Homework Help!?
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2018-03-27 6:15 pm
these all collisions between molecules of reactiong substances result in a chemical union?
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2018-03-23 12:06 pm
What determines a polarity or non polarity? How do we know which atom will be negatively charged?
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2018-03-23 9:14 am
What kind of nuclear reaction is seen in the following reactions? (the particle 1/0 n is a neutron)?
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2018-03-23 7:13 am
how many moles of hydrogen will be produced from 17.3 g of aluminum in 2Al+3H2SO4=3H2+Al2(SO4)3?
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2018-03-22 8:31 pm
Chem help?
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2018-03-22 8:28 pm
回覆: 8
2018-03-22 5:43 pm
When a gas reaches its condensation point it becomes a what?
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2018-03-22 10:40 am
M1V1n1 = M2V2n2 Suppose that 17.38 mL of 0.02765 M aqueous H2SO4 is required to neutralize 10 mL of an aqueous solution of KOH.?
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2018-03-22 12:21 am
Why is there no stoichiometry calculation needed to determine the limiting reactant of a decomposition reaction?
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2018-03-22 12:00 am
For the equation C6 H12 O6 = 2C2 H5 OH + 2CO2, how much ethanol is produced in grams if we start with 750 grams of glucose?
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2018-03-21 8:08 am
Conceptual question about activity level and molar concentration?
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2018-03-20 7:25 pm
Chemistry Question: For the ignition test, to determine whether unknown chemical has a benzene ring, how would you explain the chemistry?
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2018-03-20 6:48 pm
Determination of the vanadium:oxalate ratio in the complex?
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2018-03-20 10:40 am
physics question dealing with reflection?
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2018-03-20 11:55 am
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2018-03-20 11:58 am
Chemistry Problem?
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2018-03-19 10:29 pm
What part or functional groups of the amino acid molecule reacts with the ninhydrin?
回覆: 4
2018-03-19 11:11 pm
How many grams of chlorine can be liberated from the decomposition of 52.0 g of AuCl3 by this reaction? 2 AuCl3 ---> 2 Au + 3 Cl2?
回覆: 1
2018-03-19 7:54 pm
Name the coordination compounds. Chemistry?
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2018-03-19 11:55 am
Calculate the pH and [S2− ] in a 0.17 M H2S solution. Assume Ka1 = 1.0 ✕ 10−7; Ka2 = 1.0 ✕ 10−19.?
回覆: 1
2018-03-18 11:07 pm
In basic solution, _______.?
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