
Lv 7
I was diagnosed with stage IIIb breast cancer on February 4, 2012 and finished neoadjuvant (before surgery) chemotherapy on August 2. I had surgery (lumpectomy) on September 5. Pathology revealed NO CANCER! The tumor was cancer free, as were the lymph nodes. On Jan 3, 2013, I was diagnosed with significant bone metastases to my spine and neck (all but two vertebrae). I am currently undergoing systemic treatment and have been restaged to Stage IV. God's story is still a good story. I'm still here! I lived in China from August 2005 - July 2012. Two of those years were in Beijing, the remaining in China's Northwest. I also lived in China from 1989 - mid-1991. My business relationships with China began in 1987. I am Craftylass . . . one woman, one ID.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:07:00
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