how can i become chinese?

2009-03-14 12:51 am
i love china

回答 (10)

2009-03-14 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
This site outlines the Chinese national law on becoming a Chinese citizen.

It's a serious decision to leave one country and to become a citizen of another. I live in China, but I will not renounce my own citizenship. I enjoy being a guest here and I honor the laws here, but I also enjoy being a citizen of my own country.

If you were referring on how to learn Chinese, you will need to check into various study options available for you. Many schools have classes and many cities have private schools that offer classes, Check into what's available and go from there.

Knowing a language does not make you that particular nationality. I could live in China for 30 years and I'll never be Chinese. I'll get better at understanding China, but I will always have my own cultural foundation.

On the flip side, my husband's parents have lived in the United States (they are originally from China) for over 50 years. They are fluent in English and they are now American citizens. However, they still have a Chinese mindset and they are very Chinese in the way they approach things. Some of their thought processes are more American, but most of them are not.

Good luck.
2009-03-14 3:39 am
well if your not chinese by blood the next
best thing is to have a baby with a chinese
參考: half chinese
2009-03-14 2:54 am
Contact the embassy for the PRC and find out what is required to gain citizenship. Citizenship is the closest you are going to get to becoming Chinese
2009-03-14 2:36 am
You speak chinese language, eat chinese food,and dress in chinese Clothing, marry chinese man....have chinese baby
2009-03-14 1:15 am
um,...okaaaay~do u wanna speak chinese or dress like chinese or wut?
i have a very good friend that is chinese so i think i can help you!
ummmm first of all ill teach you how to speak some basics... hello ~ nee hao good morning ~zao an thank you~ xie xie or...what else do u want me to teach you just tell me!
and they pretty much dress like us...the whole world kinda copies us soo..
ya but they want to be different from people.. so they dont want to dress the same and stuff
they dont like to wear same clothes as other ppl and ya pretty much i think

ps this is all mandarin not cantonese and i just spelt it all out so i might spell it wrong lol
參考: friend
2009-03-14 1:43 am
be reborn as a chinese person.
honestly, you do not want chinese parents.
but whatever.
2009-03-15 10:53 am
You will need to be born in China or from Chinese parents to be legally called "Chinese".
2009-03-14 3:08 pm
I think it would be a simple thing to become chinese cause many chinese want to become foreigners.
If you want to become a chineselike person ,you should have black hair and yellow skin which is considered as a basic qualification of a chinese.
Reading some old chinese novel can let you feel the chinese culture atmasphere.
I cant find other thins now ,maybe you can have a tour in china firstly.
2009-03-14 2:53 am
this is a software which can read Chinese,and translate it into english.
I think it maybe useful to you .
You can download it by emule.







(no space)

and this is the crack file.
also you can use this software to download both of them
1.foreigner will comply wth chinese constitution and law
2.if you have one of the following condition,youcan apply for chinese nationality. a. relative of chinese b. living china c. other reasonable reasons.
3 you can apply to Chinese diplomatic representative organ
2009-03-14 1:42 am
becoming chinese?
well...u would have to be born chinese to be chinese...but anyways,
you should learn chinese first...mandarin to be exact since most chinese converse in chinese, i would know.
chinese people are really not that different in china, they may be a bit behind in the fashion, but otherwise its pretty much the same as american style. just dont dress too revealing though..

basic chinese coversation would be...

Hello: Ni hao
My name is...: Wo jiao...(literally translates to 'I'm called...'/wo ming zi jiao...(translates to 'my name is called...')
What's your name: Ni jiao..?/Ni jiao shen me?/Ni ming zhi jiao shen me?
*Name: Ming zhi
*Called: Jiao
*I/Me: Wo
*You: Ni
How are you: Ni hao ma?
I'm good: Wo hen hao.
*Very: Hen
*Good/okay: Hao
Thank you: Xie xie
You Welcome: Bu ke chi
Bye: Zai jian/bai bai

Im teaching my friend chinese too..
just start out with the basics and make your way up.
**Writing in Chinese is a bit hard..but you'll be able to learn...
Hope this helped^^
參考: Me...~

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