Lovie lovie Dovie Wovie Gimee Gimmee!

Lv 3
I'm too kewl. I love to chill. Proud & Loving Mommy. I am very family oriented. I like to get things DONE. My zodiac sign- is Sagi', with a few watery signs in my me. (-; People delete my questions or td me because what I have to say is the honest truth or too personal, but hey when you ask a personal question don't you expect the honest- to -God truth back or atleast a question that pertains to your personal question? and since most people cannot deal with my honesty in a positive way I have to Block my Q&As. You want advice I give advice. It's Y!A- Why so serious People! Gosh, grow a friggin back bone OR something.
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:18:39
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