What kind of girls do leo men go for?

2013-04-30 1:04 am

回答 (5)

2013-04-30 1:40 am
Cute girls who can praise how awesome they are.
goodlooking (not mandatory) & independent and dependable, & someone to love n show them attention. and I know that they're attracted to sagittarius'.
參考: A cutie sagi <3
2013-04-30 1:06 am
The kinds that kiss there ***
2013-04-30 1:05 am
The same as any other sign.
2013-04-30 12:44 pm
Depends on his moon sign and Venus sign. Some like outgoing, attention-seeking, dramatic girls who dress flashy, and others like a more demure, respectable, wholesome girl who's responsible and mature. It really depends on the Leo and his individual chart. But the best way to attract a Leo is to give him attention and sincerely praise him (if you like him, that shouldn't be hard at all) because Leos love to have their egos stroked. And hopefully he returns the favor and likes you back.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:44:18
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