Yee Man

Lv 7
宋代岳珂著<桯史>記載: 一書生與一富豪為鄰, 書生極為貧寒, 家徒四壁, 孤燈夜閑之際總見鄰家通宵達旦宴樂不絕, 不免心生羨慕之情. 一日, 書生穿戴整齊, 前往拜訪富翁, 求教致富之道, 富翁告訴書生致富秘訣. 他說: "大凡致富之道, 當先除五賊, 五賊不除, 富不可致!" 書生急問何為"五賊". 富翁答道: "即今之所謂仁,義,禮,智,信是也." 書生聞之, 只得笑而告退...... ********************************************** 顧炎武於《日知錄》提及 "士當以器識為先, 一命為文人, 則無足觀矣." 其實他所鄙視的是 "三無文人" - 無真知, 無傲骨, 無操守的偽文人; 就是有這班偽文人社會才添多擾攘和喧囂... ******************************************************* "One could get a first-class education from a shelf of books five feet long." Charles Eliot, when President of Harvard ******************************************************* 2008年5 月4 日拜訪利物浦 晏菲路球場 - You’ll Never Walk Alone (你永遠不會獨行) ****************************************** When you walk through a stormHold your head up highAnd don't be afraid of the darkAt the end of the stormIs a golden skyAnd the sweet silver song of a lark Walk on through the windWalk on through the rainTho' your dreams be tossed and blownWalk on, walk onWith hope in your heartAnd you'll never walk aloneYou'll never walk alone
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